Student Handbook 2017-2018

Lake View Elementary
Student Handbook 2017-2018

Mission                Our mission at Lake View is to assure that ALL students will be successful and learn at high levels.  We will do this by providing a safe and nurturing environment where each child is valued and all staff members collaborate toward this collective goal.    
Vision                  Our vision is to have all students reading at their grade level benchmark according to the end of year DIBELS assessment

Box Elder School District School Attendance Procedures (8/16)
In an attempt to improve student performance and achievement, as well make the educational experience enjoyable and helpful, the teachers, administrators, and school board will be implementing several important changes regarding attendance during the 2016-17 school year.  These changes will unify practices between schools and help students and families make the most of their time in school.  These changes also bring our school practices in line with existing Utah State Code 53A-11-101 (Compulsory Education).

Absences (Valid/Not Valid)
Box Elder School District will now be using the terms Valid and not Valid rather than excused and not excused.
●     Valid excuse - an illness (medical and dental appointments), a death in the familyan approved school activityabsences associated with 504 or IEP plans, and pre-arranged absences.
●     Not valid excuse - Any reason (other than valid reasons) a student does not attend a class period (secondary) or a complete school day (elementary).

Tardies and Check-ins
Box Elder School District will now define tardies and check-ins differently than before.
●     Elementary Schools
○     Tardies: Students arriving up to 15 minutes after the bell rings will be sent directly to class and marked tardy by the teacher.
○     Check-ins: Students arriving more than 16 minutes after the bell will be checked-in at the office and proceed to class with a call slip.
●     Secondary Schools
○     Tardies: Students arriving to an individual class period up to 10 minutes after the tardy bell rings, or arriving late to school without a valid excuse.
○     Check-ins: Students arriving to school late with a valid excuse.

Excessive Absences
Box Elder School District will identify students who are missing school without a valid excuse, and work with these students and families to improve attendance.  Schools will use the following protocol to improve attendance:
●     5 Absences (no valid excuse)
Schools will send a standard district letter regarding student absences.
Schools may make additional phone calls or meetings with parents and students.
●     10 Absences (no valid excuse)
Schools will send a standard district letter regarding student absences.
Schools will schedule a meeting with an administrator, parent/guardian, and students.
Schools will develop an attendance contract with students and/or parent/guardian.
●     10+ Absences (with or without valid excuse)
Schools will send a standard district letter regarding student absences.
Schools may schedule a meeting with an administrator, parent/parent, and students.

Breach of Contract/Failure to Meet with School Administrators
In the event that an attendance contract is breached, or parent/guardians and student fail to attend a scheduled meeting with School Administrators; a court referral may be made, as well as a referral to the Division of Family and Child Services for educational neglect.  It is never the intention of teachers, administrators, or school board of Box Elder School District to bring legal action against any family; it is our wish to work with ALL families and students.


7:30--8:00 a.m.
8:05 a.m.
Warning Bell
8:10 a.m.
School Begins
10:50 a.m.
Lunch begins (staggered 5 min./class)
12:05 p.m.
End of lunch break
1:00--1:20 p.m.
Afternoon Break
2:30 p.m.
School Ends (1:30 on Wednesday)
8:10—11:20 a.m.
Morning class (8:10-10:20 on Wednesday)
11:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Afternoon class (11:25-1:30 on Wednesday)
8:10 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
Full Day class (8:10-1:30 on Wednesday)

At the first bell, students will line up outside by their classroom doors and will be escorted by their teacher into the building. Students eating breakfast will be allowed to enter the Main Entrance doors at 7:30 a.m.  On bad weather days, all students may wait in the gym before school starts.  We encourage students who don’t eat breakfast, not to arrive before 8:00 a.m.  At the end of the day (2:30 p.m.), teachers will direct students to the nearest outside exit.  Students should not be in the halls after school.

If your child is unable to attend, please notify Mrs. Vincent. If you would like to pick up homework, please contact your student’s teacher.  We believe the success of each student’s day begins first thing every morning! Tardies are disruptive to the classroom and can have an adverse effect on your child’s education. Please make every effort to arrive at school on time. All students arriving after school begins should report to the office and check in before going to the classroom.


For your child’s safety, parents are asked to come directly into the office to personally request a student leave early and then sign out the student. The office will send for your student. Please do not go to the classroom.

Position                                                        Location                                  Name
Principal                                                       Office                                   Mark Johnson
Secretary                                                      Office                                   Nancy Vincent
Kindergarten                                                  1                                          Florence Chiu
Kindergarten                                                  2                                          Heidi Jensen
Kindergarten                                                  3                                          Lauren Hamilton
Kindergarten Para                                         3                                           Melissa Brown
1st Grade/DI                                                   8                                          Kappy Williams
1st Grade/DI                                                   7                                          Duberlys Cha
1st Grade                                                         6                                          Tiffany Dance
1st Grade                                                        5                                          Bunny Barnett
2nd Grade                                                        13                                        Aimee Wells
2nd Grade/DI                                                   16                                        Breanne Driesel
2nd Grade/DI                                                   14                                        Nicole Jensen
2nd Grade                                                        15                                        Alison Montgomery
3rd Grade                                                         9                                          Beverly Morrell
3rd Grade/DI                                                   11                                        Irene Haggerty
3rd Grade/DI                                                   10                                        Nicole Ayala
3rd Grade                                                       12                                         Alice Ball

4th Grade                                                         17                                        Ana Hansen        
4th Grade                                                         19                                        Robert Beukers
4th Grade/DI                                                   18                                        Tom Little
4th Grade/DI                                                   20                                        Kim Wilson
5th Grade                                                         21                                       Jennifer Adams
5th Grade                                                         22                                       Suzanne Reeder
5th Grade/DI                                                   Port. #4                               Katie Harrop
5th Grade/DI                                                   Port. #3                               Gloria Dabb
Resource                                                         Port. #1                               Heather Young
Resource Aide                                                Port #1                                Gina Warr
Speech                                                            Port. #5 West                      Tammy Bench
ELL Aide                                                        Port #1                               Carolina Rex
Librarian                                                         Library                               Jan Holmgren
Literacy Coach                                               Port. #2                               Amanda Stokes
Literacy Paras                                                Lib. Annex                          Marilee Burgon
                                                                                                                   Katherine McCalmant
                                                                                                                   Kristy Edgington
                                                                                                                   Margarita Jeide
                                                                                                                   Staci Bishop
                                                                                                                   Karen Weight
                   Maria Brana
                   Marcia Wilson
                   Amy Forsberg
                  Logan Munns
                  Tami Vaughn
                   Brittany MacBeth
                  Ghislaine Richards
Math Coach                                                    Port. #2                              David Blake
Math Aides                                                     Port. #2                              Brenda Everton
                                                                                                                  Christine Phillips
                                                                                                                  Gail Shinkle
                                                                                                                  Candice Nichols
PC Lab and Office Aide                                4                                         Liz Ellis
Chrome Lab Para                                           Port. #5 East                      Tammy Reynolds
PE Aide                                                          Gym                                   Katie Johnson
Office/Lunch Aide                                         Office                                Karen Weight
Kitchen Manager                                           Kitchen                              Kerry Dennison
Lunch Clerk                                                   Office                                Tina Mace                               
Custodians                                                     Office                                 Steve Simpson
                                                                                                                  Brad Bennett                                                                                                                                               Rose Linford

The school improvement goals we will be focusing on this year are:
·         Improve the culture and climate at Lake View to facilitate increased student learning.
·         Improve school wide math achievement.
·         Improve school wide Language Arts achievement.

The Purposes of School Community Councils are: 
·         To build consistent and effective communication among parents, teachers, staff and administrators;
·         To allow parents an opportunity to be actively involved with the school in the education of their children; and
·         To make good schools great         
Please feel free to contact one of the members with your concerns or comments. Community Council will meet the once a month at 3:00 p.m.  For specific dates and an updated schedule of upcoming meetings, please go to the Community Council tab on the school website.

Before your child leaves for school, please make sure he/she knows whether to walk or expect a ride. Your cooperation will help to avoid long lines at the telephone.
We would encourage students to travel to and from school in groups—accompanied by friends and/or family members. Students are to go straight home after school unless parents have approved other arrangements.
Before starting school, it would be prudent for parents to review with their children safe practices for crossing busy streets. 


If you are dropping off a student, please use the drop-off lane.  Also, please follow the guidelines listed below:
·         Approach the school using Lake View Drive heading east.
·         Please pull forward as far as possible before having your child exit the vehicle.
·         Do not park or leave your vehicle at the curb along the south side of Lake View Drive.  If you need to park, please use the church parking lot.  The red painted curb indicates a No Parking zone and is enforceable by the police.  This area is for loading and unloading only.  This lane of traffic must keep moving!
·         Do not block the faculty parking entrance.
·         Do not drop your child off away from the curb.  Do not have them cross in front of other vehicles.
·         Have your child exit from the passenger side of the vehicle.
·         During morning drop-off, please do not enter or exit the church parking lot from Lake View Drive.
·         No U-turns on Lake View Drive.

·         Do not park in the pick-up lane.
·         Remain in your vehicle
·         During pick-up, do not enter or exit the church parking lot via Lake View Drive.
·         No U-turns on Lake View Drive.
·         No double parking.
Remember to enter from the west and exit to the north in an orderly fashion; no U-turns are allowed on the public street; also for student safety, do not use the faculty parking area for student drop off or pick up.
Avoid Accidents--Please follow the traffic rules:
·         Follow the map.  NO U-Turns
·         Please stay in one lane.  Do not pass!
·         Do not block driveways.
·         Have children ready ahead of time so traffic can keep moving.
·         Keep moving- do not park in the drop off area.
·         Make sure others picking up and dropping off your children are aware of the rules.

Please label all of your child’s belongings and check the lost and found often.  Lost and found articles will be kept in the school until June 1st.  If the items are not claimed, they will be given to organizations to be distributed to those who might benefit from them.

Students receiving medication during the school day must have a Request for Administration of Medication form on file in the office, signed by a parent or legal guardian AND a physician.  All medications will be administered according to Board Policy #5065. Please do not send medication to the school with your child. Parents should bring the medication to the office in the original container, labeled by the pharmacy, with the name of the medication, dosage, and duration of treatment.  Nonprescription drugs must be in the original package and labeled with the student's name. 


Please notify the school immediately if there is a change in your address, telephone number, babysitter or person to contact in an emergency.  This information is vital in case your child becomes ill, injured or we need to close the school for an emergency.


Appropriate dress, hairstyle and personal cleanliness are left to the good judgment of parents. However, the following guidelines should be considered: INAPPROPRIATE HAIR STYLES:  no unnatural colors or distracting styles (i.e., Mohawks) INAPPROPRIATE CLOTHING: tank tops, sleeveless tops, mesh shirts, bare midriffs, tight fitting, oversized (excessively large), any clothing that advertises alcohol, tobacco, drug-related products, inappropriate language or inferences or clothing associated with gang membership. 


Students riding bicycles or scooters to school may park and lock them in the bicycle rack located near the south loading zone or at the faculty parking lot.  Students may not bring bicycles, scooters or skateboards inside the building.  Students are not permitted to ride their bicycles, skateboards, scooters, skates or roller blades on the playground for their protection and the safety of other students, nor will they be stored in the office.  


Although shoes with wheels (i.e., Heelys) are fun for children to wear and use to and from school, they are a safety issue while in school.  We ask that students do not use bicycles, scooters, skateboards and skates during the school day and on the school property so that others are not injured.  This includes shoes with wheels inside the soles.  Most students remove the wheels during school hours, but some wheels cannot be removed or students opt not to remove them.  We have had injuries with students using the shoes both inside and out during the school day.  Unless you can remove the wheels from the shoes, please keep shoes with wheels at home.  Both the Community Council and the principal thank you for your assistance.

Breakfast is served from 7:30-8:00 a.m. and is free to students.  Lunch menus will be sent home monthly.  Students are encouraged to pay for breakfasts and lunches in advance by the week or month.  Please make every effort to keep your child's lunch account current.  Applications for free and reduced lunch need to be filled out each year.  Part of a school qualifying for Title 1 benefits is reflected by the number of families in the school on free/reduced lunches.  If you qualify, please pick up an application and file it before the school year begins. Students who forget their lunch or lunch money may call home in the office.

                        Breakfast                     Lunch
Regular            Free                             $1.90
Reduced          Free                             $  .40
Adult               $2.50                           $3.75
Students may walk home for lunch, but they must have written permission from home and sign out in the office when they leave to go home and in when they return to school.


Progress reports will be prepared for every child once each trimester (Policy #4090).  In addition, parents may review their child's progress at or at SEP (Student Education Plan) conferences.  Conferences will focus on academic success and goal setting by parents, teachers and students.  Parents are invited to contact the office and make an after school appointment with your child's teacher if you have any specific concerns at other times during the year.
Students may use the phone in the office with the permission of the secretary or principal.  The phone should be used during the day to call their parent or sitter if the child is ill or after school if their ride home has not arrived.  The phone is not to be used to make arrangements to play with friends. 


Board policy #5350 indicates that complaints should be addressed at the "first possible level."  When a problem arises, we invite students and parents to first talk to the teacher about concerns.  If issues are not resolved to your satisfaction, please feel free to make an appointment to discuss your issues with the principal.

Electronic devices provide services but also prove to be a distraction to students.  At Lake View Elementary, we ask that students not bring cameras or electronic devices such as iPods or portable DVD/CD players to school as they prove to be a distraction to the instructional process.  Occasionally, students may bring these items at the discretion of the teacher (i.e., for Show and Tell or field trips).  We are also concerned with theft or damage to these items, which the school cannot replace for a student.  We understand that cell phones are an important way for parents and students to maintain contact with each other, but cell phones should be turned off, not used and kept out of sight during the school day.  We ask that students turn off their cell phones as they enter the building.  They may use them during the day at the direction of the teacher for medical or other emergencies.  We encourage parents to contact students during the day by calling and leaving a message with office personnel.  Each teacher has a phone in his/her classroom so they can be contacted promptly as needed.

Students should not bring toys, dolls, games, cards, Legos or other such items to school.  When students bring these items, they can get lost, broken or stolen.  They also create a distraction to their owner as well as other students.  Lake View staff will not assume responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of any such items. Students who do bring items like these to school will be asked to take them home.


Bullying is a form of habitual aggressive behavior that is hurtful and deliberate which can include physical actions (kicking), verbal (spreading rumors), emotional (excluding), racist (taunts) and rude gestures (abusive comments).  Bullying is not appropriate behavior and will be handled through our school’s discipline program.  Teachers will instruct students about bullying during the first week of school and teach them how to handle those issues. 
The community council determined the consequences for bullying would be: 
1. Warning & parent contact; 2. Lunch with principal doing worksheets and discussing bullying & parent contact; 3. Lunch clean-up 1 week & parent contact; 4. Suspension


 We ask that you bring healthy treats for students instead of cookies and candy.  Also, we need to have the treats purchased at a store.  Please do not bring homemade food items.

Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Notification
Policy #5920
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of Alcohol is wrong and harmful and that it is a violation of the policy of the school district for any student to distribute, dispense, possess, use, or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, malt beverage or fortified wine or other intoxicating liquor or unlawfully manufacture, distribute hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, anabolic steroid or any other controlled substance as defined in Schedules I through V of Section 202 of Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. § 812 and as further defined by regulation 21 C.F.R. 1300.11 through 1300.15 before, during or after school hours.

"School district location” means in any school building and on any school premises; in any school-owned vehicle or in any other school-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or other school activities; off-school property at any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, or during any period of time when a student is under the supervision of school district personnel or otherwise engaged in a school district activity.

Any student who violates the terms of the school district’s Drug and Alcohol [Tobacco] Policy is subject to the discipline outlined in the school district’s policies including all disciplinary sanctions consistent with local, state and federal law, up to and including expulsion and referral to prosecution and/or completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that compliance with this policy is mandatory.           

Safe School Policy Notification
Policy #5005
Safe School Policy #5005 can be viewed in its entirety (8 pages) at the school or the district office.  The Student Handbook Version is cited below:
Students and parents are hereby notified that students will be disciplined for inappropriate conduct that may affect the safety of students or employees.  Discipline may include referral to law enforcement, removal from teams or organizations, suspension, or expulsion from school for up to one year.
A student may be disciplined for any prohibited conduct when it: (a) occurs in a school building, or on or in proximity to school property, (b) occurs in conjunction with any school sponsored activity, (c) occurs in or on a school vehicle, (d) occurs in the presence of or is directed at or against another student or a district employee, or (e) threatens harm or does harm to the school, school property, a person associated with the school, or property of a person associated with the school. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to the following.
·         Possession, control, actual or threatened use of a real weapon, explosive, or flammable device or material.
·         The actual or threatened use of a look-alike or pretend weapon with intent to intimidate or hurt another person or to disrupt normal school activities.
·         An act involving force or threatened use of force when if committed by an adult would be a felony or class A misdemeanor.
·         Any unlawful conduct including: (A) sexual harassment; (B) burglary; (C) larceny; (D) criminal mischief; (E) battery; (F) assault; (G) gang related activity including: (i) wearing, possessing, using or distributing, displaying or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign or other things which evidence membership in a gang; (ii) use of a name associated with or attributable to a gang; or (iii) designating "turf" or an area for gang activity or occupation: (H) hazing; or (I) improper activation of school alarms or safety systems.
·         Frequent or flagrant willful disobedience or defiance of proper authority or disruptive behavior, including the use of foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language.
·         Willful destruction, defacing, or damaging of school property.
·         Behavior, or threatened behavior, which poses an immediate and significant threat to the welfare, safety or morals of other students or school personnel or to the operation of the school.
·         Possession, control, use, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage.
·         Selling, giving, delivering, transferring, possessing, controlling, or distributing any tobacco product, drug or controlled substance including prescription and nonprescription medication, or drug paraphernalia.
·         Engaging in, assisting, permitting, or otherwise being involved in hazing, as provided by the District's policy [#5720] prohibiting hazing.


Within the classroom setting, our teachers are implementing a Love and Logic approach to classroom management and discipline.  This is simply a common sense approach to discipline in which all students are treated as individuals and consequences are handled on a case by case basis according to what is best for the student.  Discipline situations are seen as learning and growing opportunities.  Here is a list of Love and Logic Guidelines:
·         You may engage in any behavior that does not create a problem for you or anyone else in our school community.
·         If you find yourself with a problem, you may solve it by any means that does not cause a problem for anyone else in our school community. 
·         You may engage in any behavior that does not jeopardize the safety, well-being, or learning of yourself or others.  Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated.
Another component of our program is “Think Time” in a different classroom other that their own and communication with parents from teachers.

When students are outside of the classroom and they are not under the supervision of their own teacher, we have the following rules:
Students will have the opportunity to earn blue slips and will be given white slips when they make poor choices.  Blue slips and white slips do not replace classroom strategies being used by individual teachers.    
·         Blue slips can be awarded by any adult in the building to a student who is demonstrating appropriate behavior in the hallway, at lunch, at recess, etc.  Blue slips should not be given to students within their own classroom.  Blue slips have value to the student as they can be used to give the student a chance to win a drawing for a prize.  (There will be several prizes available each trimester.)
·         White slips will be given to students who are breaking rules governing: recess time, hallway behavior, etc.  A white slip may be given to any student by any adult in the building.  White slips are not to be used within the classroom by the classroom teacher.  When a white slip is given to a student, a copy will be kept by the teacher.  That copy will be given to the coordinator.  The coordinator will enter that white slip on the computer so it can be tracked.
We have created a hierarchy for violations of the school’s behavioral expectations.  Although consequences are listed for first violations, second violations, and so on, the school reserves the right to make adjustments to consequences as situations warrantor in the case of severe violations. 
·         First violation:  Students will process with the adult issuing the white slip.  The student will be required to stay in from one to three afternoon recesses.  A copy of the white slip will be sent home with the student. 
·         Second violation:  Students will process with the adult issuing the white slip.  The student will be required to stay in from one to three afternoon recesses.  The teacher will make a phone call to the parent.  The student will receive instruction on how to correct their behavior and they will be required to complete a plan to change their behavior.  This plan must be signed by a parent and returned to the coordinator.  The student can voluntarily attend after school service for 45 minutes in order to clear their white slip. 
·         Third violation:  Students will process with the adult issuing the white slip.  The student will be required to stay in from one to three afternoon recesses.  The teacher will make a phone call to the parent.  The student will receive instruction on how to correct their behavior and they will be required to complete a plan to change their behavior.  This plan must be signed by a parent and returned to the coordinator.  The student will also be required to attend after school service for 30 minutes.     
·         Fourth violation:  Students will process with the adult issuing the white slip.  The teacher will make a phone call to the parent.  The student will receive instruction on how to correct their behavior and they will be required to complete a plan to change their behavior.  This plan must be signed by a parent and returned to the coordinator.  The student will be placed immediately into in-school suspension.
Subsequent violations, habitual offender or severe:  Immediate in-school suspension or out of school suspension depending on the situation and the student.  Parent conference is required with the principal before the student will be allowed to return to class. 

·         A school-wide activity will be held at the end of each trimester.  Students with no more than one active white slip will have the privilege of participating in the party/activity.
·         A drawing for prizes will be held at the time of the trimester activity.  Students will use blue slips they have earned to give them the opportunity to win a prize.  The more blue slips a student earns, the better their odds of winning a prize. 

In case of a need to evacuate the building, an announcement will be made over the intercom.
·         Teachers will evacuate students from the building to their assigned fire drill areas.
·         The classroom emergency bucket and folder should be taken with the class.
·         Once at the assigned area the teacher will take attendance to establish class status.  They will then hold up one of 2 cards:
o   Green Card:  all clear/everyone accounted for
o   Red Card:  missing student and/or injury
·         The teacher should remain with the class at all times.

If the building is unsafe to re-enter the following should take place:
·         The secretary will place a notice of evacuation on the front door and take the student emergency cards with her to the evacuation point.
·         Students will be escorted by the teachers to the LDS Fishburn Church building located at 105 West Fishburn Drive.
·         The teachers should then take their class to the assigned area in the building and keep them calm and comforted until an authorized adult comes to check out each child.
·         Parents should ENTER through the EAST parking lot entrance.  Signs will be posted marking the entrance and exits of the parking lot; the entrance areas for student pick-up and the internal areas for students to wait with their class.
·         There will be a check out table located at the EAST entrance for grades K-2 and at the WEST entrance for grades 3-5.  The student’s emergency card will be pulled and only an AUTHORIZED emergency contact, babysitter or parent may pick up the child.  Once this is verified, a staff member will go to the child’s assigned area and bring the child to the adult.
·         Parents may then leave with their student through the WEST parking lot exit.
·         Any student not picked up, will remain with the staff until otherwise notified.

If the LDS Fishburn Church building is unsafe to enter, the following should take place:
·         Students will be escorted to the Lindsey Park located WEST of the LDS Fishburn Church building.
·         Teachers should take their students to the assigned area at the park and keep them calm and together until an authorized adult comes to pick up each child.
·         There will be a check out tables located at the NORTHEAST section of the bowery for grades K-2 and at the NORTHWEST section of the bowery for grades 3-5.  The student’s emergency card will be pulled and only an AUTHORIZED emergency contact, babysitter or parent may pick up the child.  Once this is verified, a staff member will go to the child’s assigned area and bring the child to the adult.

·         Any student not picked up, will remain with the staff until otherwise notified.

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