CC Agendas and Minutes

Lake View Community Council Minutes

Meeting Date: March 6, 2018                                                      Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: Library            
Members Present: Kappy Williams, Nicole Jensen, Mark Johnson, Dacia Stone, Julie Taylor
Members Absent: Greg Christensen, Shayle Holman, Alisa Baron 
Financial Report- Trust land funding for this year’s plan is: $57,700.    Funding for next year’s plan is projected to be $68,103.

Plan Implementation Report-
The plan has been implemented exactly as stated.   
New items-none

Action Items
A motion was put forward by Kappy Williams to approve to land trust plan as discussed in the meeting. Julie Taylor seconded.
The present council members voted unanimously to approve the land trust plan for next year.  In summary, this plan includes funding for: 1-aides to assist with small reading groups to provide students with tier 1 and tier 2 reading interventions. 2-A professional development session with Jan Hasbrouk on August 21, 2018. 3-aides to provide progress monitoring for struggling readers.

The formal plan is being uploaded to the system within the next two weeks.

 Other items

Next meeting: April 3, 2018, library at 3:00.

Lake view Community Council Meeting Notes

Meeting Date: February 6, 2018                                  
Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: Library            
Members Present: Kappy Williams, Nicole Jensen, Mark Johnson, Alisa Baron, Dacia Stone
Members Absent: Julie Taylor, Greg Christensen, Shayle Holman   
Financial Report- Trust land funding for this year’s plan is: $57,700.   

Plan Implementation Report-
A discussion was held on the continuing implementation of the plan. Data was presented to the council members on the performance of Lake View students on the mid-year DIBELS assessment.  Grades 1-3 moved from 70% at benchmark at the beginning of the year to 75% at mid-year.  Council memebrs were given print-outs showing this progress in detail.
Jan Hasbrouk has been contacted again and will be coming to our school on August 21st. She will provide a full-day of professional development to our teachers.  We will hold the session in the district’s new ILSC building.  
We discussed the amount of funding that should be available to us next year through land trust, $68,103.  The amount has been increased again which is great! 
New items-none

Action Items

Other items

Next meeting: March 6, 2018, library at 3:00.

Community Council Meeting Agenda
Date:  February 6th, 2018
Time:  3:00 p.m.
Place: Library

Item to be discussed 

  1. Review of DIBELS progress
  1. Update on Jan Hasbrouk

Lake View Community Council Minutes

Meeting Date: January 9, 2018                                               Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: Library     
Members Present: Kappy Williams, Julie Taylor, Alisa Baron, Dacia Stone, Mark Johnson
Members Absent:   Nicole Jensen, Greg Christensen, Shayle Holman
Financial Report- Trust land funding for this year’s plan is: $57,700.   

Plan Implementation Report-
In follow-up from the last meeting, the principal gathered information as requested by the council.  Information was gathered due to the following situation:
·         From last meeting on October 10, 2017---We also discussed the fact that we need to amend our plan.  Last year, we had planned to bring in Jan Hasbrouk to meet with our teachers.  That plan did not work out and so we now have that money, $5,500, to use for something else.  The members present asked me to get with Mandy, our literacy coach, as well as teachers, and see what ideas they might have.

Mandy Stokes, the literacy coach attended the October meeting at the request of the principal.  At the request of the parent members, several ideas were shared with the council by the teacher members as well as Mandy Stokes, the literacy coach.  These included:
·         Audio enhancement systems
·         An intervention system or program to be used with upper grades students who struggle with reading
·         Additional progress monitoring services to be provided to students of all grades who need extra help
·         Financing the purchase of books to address a specific fluency need at the 2nd grade level
·         Buying more copies of books so that our larger, more advanced reading groups, have better access to literature on their level.

In mid-December, our amendment was approved.
In the November meeting, it was decided that if our amendment was approved, we would use our remaining funds to purchase reading intervention materials that would help some of our struggling readers in the upper grades.  On January 4, 2018, that kit was purchased.

In mid-December, two additional reading aides were hired to provide progress monitoring services.
1.       Phonics Lesson library from 95% Group was purchased for $1,275.00.
2.      Two additional aides were hired to do progress monitoring.
Progress monitor.
Land Trust
Progress monitor.

New items-none

Action Items
Next year’s land trust plan was discussed. Julie Taylor asked about Jan Hasbrouk and whether she could come next year as part of the 2018-2019 Land Trust plan.  The council unanimously agreed that we should do that.  Mr. Johnson said he would get in contact with her regarding the possibility of her coming and presenting to the faculty prior to the start of school next year.  Jan is a reading instruction expert and has also conducted extensive research into reading instruction. 

Other items
Next meeting: February 6, 2018, library at 3:00. 

Community Council Meeting Agenda
Date:  January 9th, 2018
Time:  3:00 p.m.
Place: Library

Item to be discussed

  1. Land Trust Plan for 2018-2019
  2. Phonics Lesson library from 95% Group was purchased for $1,275.00.
  3. Two additional aides were hired to do progress monitoring.

Progress monitor.
Land Trust
Progress monitor.

LakeView Community Council Minutes

Meeting Date: November 7, 2017                                          Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: Library     
Members Present: Mark Johnson, Dacia Stone, Alisa Baron, Shaylee Holman, Kappy Williams, Nicole Jensen
Members Absent: Julie Taylor, Greg Christensen, 
Financial Report- Trust land funding for this year’s plan is: $57,700.   
Plan Implementation Report-
In follow-up from the last meeting, the principal gathered information as requested by the council.  Information was gathered due to the following situation:
·         From last meeting on October 10, 2017---We also discussed the fact that we need to amend our plan.  Last year, we had planned to bring in Jan Hasbrouk to meet with our teachers.  That plan did not work out and so we now have that money, $5,500, to use for something else.  The members present asked me to get with Mandy, our literacy coach, as well as teachers, and see what ideas they might have.

Mandy Stokes, the literacy coach attended the meeting at the request of the principal.  At the request of the parent members, several ideas were shared with the council by the teacher members as well as Mandy Stokes, the literacy coach.  These included:
·         Audio enhancement systems
·         An intervention system or program to be used with upper grades students who struggle with reading
·         Additional progress monitoring services to be provided to students of all grades who need extra help
·         Financing the purchase of books to address a specific fluency need at the 2nd grade level
·         Buying more copies of books so that our larger, more advanced reading groups, have better access to literature on their level.

Each of these items was discussed and parent members asked several questions. 
 New items
Action Items
Nicole Jensen made a motion that we create an amendment to our current land-trust plan. She suggested that we use the $5,500 in question to finance the purchase of upper grades reading intervention materials and that the balance of the funds be used to pay a staff member(s) to provide reading progress monitoring services to more students in need of these services at our school.
Alisa Baron seconded the motion.  Then all present members of the council voted unanimously to submit this amendment request to the district for review.      
Other items
Next meeting: December 5, 2017, library at 3:00.

This is the Land Trust plan for 2017-2018 as voted on by the council:

  • Reading

Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 84% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.
Academic Areas
We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. The first administration will be in September. The second administration will be in January.  The third and final DIBELS assessment will be in May.  The final assessment of the school year will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.
Action Plan Steps
A. Lake View will provide professional development for our teachers.  We have asked Jan Hasbrouk to come and present to our teachers on August 21st.

B. Lake View will purchase some Scholastic periodicals for tier 1 reading. We will purchase Scope for 5th grade, Story Works for 4th grade and Story Works Jr. for 3rd grade. The cost of these is calculated per student.

C. Lake View will purchase a reading intervention kit designed for grades 3-5. We will purchase teacher materials as well as several copies of the student texts. This kit is designed to re-mediate students who have deficits in basic skills. It is made by Reading Mastery.

D. Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and we have seen very positive results. For the 2017-2018 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year.

Lake View will provide professional development for both aides and teachers on an ongoing basis. We will be able to pay aides to attend and teachers to pay for substitutes as needed.

To follow is a summary of how these reading groups will be formed and conducted:
1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of the BEPA and BEPAST assessments.
2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes.
3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time.
4. Aides and teachers will work together and all will lead a group of their own.
5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow.  We will make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.
6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate.
7. Assessments will be completed regularly by the adult in charge of each group so that we can monitor student progress. Each program we are using includes a built-in assessment.
8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time. 9. The instructional day for all half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students.
10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning. Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale.
Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:
1. Kindergarten testing, Aug 28-Sept 1. The BEPAST test will be administered to all incoming kindergarten students.
2. 1-3 testing, Sept 3-14. The BEPA will be administered to all 1-3 grade students.
3. Teachers, aides and the literacy coach will work together to determine appropriate placement of students into groups. (Ongoing)
3. Professional Development for aides. 1-Sep Training on intervention groups using BEPA and BEPAST data.  Training on other programs as determined by the literacy coach.  
4. All K-3 reading groups should begin on September 18th.
5. Grades 4-5 reading groups will begin at about this same time. They will start once students have been assessed using the BEPA.

Lake View Elementary
Parent-School Compact

            I want my child to achieve therefore I will:
Make certain my child attends school regularly and on time.
See that my child is well-rested and has breakfast each day.
Set aside a specific time and place for homework, assisting as necessary.
Attend at least two conferences and communicate regularly with my child’s teacher to ensure his/her academic success.
Support the school and staff in maintaining proper discipline.
Read with my child and let him/her see me read regularly.
Encourage positive attitudes toward school.
Volunteer in my child’s classroom as appropriate.
Review information and work sent home and respond as necessary.

      It is important that I learn, therefore I will:
Attend school regularly and on time.
Complete assignments and homework.
Bring homework and supplies to school each day.
Work to the best of my ability.
Work cooperatively with classmates, teachers and staff.
Respect myself, other people, and my school.
Follow all school rules.
Accept responsibility for my own actions.

            It is important that my student achieve, therefore I will:
Hold expectations high for all students, believing that all students can learn.
Provide high-quality instruction in a supportive and non-threatening environment.
Provide meaningful homework.
Communicate regularly with my students and their families through conferences, notes, phone calls, etc.
Provide opportunities for parents to assist in the classroom in meaningful ways and to observe classroom activities.

      I support this agreement, therefore I will:
Provide an equitable learning environment for all children.
Encourage the staff to provide parents with information about the total school program.
Encourage our staff to provide avenues for positive and meaningful parent involvement.
Assure that teachers have access to quality professional development and improvement measures
Place student safety and learning above all else.

Community Council Meeting Agenda

Meeting to be held on November 7th, 2017. The council will discuss what to do with the money that was initially allocated to pay for a PD session which we later had to cancel.  We allocated $5,500 for Jan Hasbrouk to come and provide PD.  We will need to discuss where to use these funds.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday November 7th at 3:00 in Library

Summary of Plan Implementation    
2016-2017 Land Trust Plan
Financial Proposal and Report
This report is automatically generated from the School Plan entered in the spring of 2016 and from the District Business Administrator's data entry of the School LAND Trust expenditures in 2016-2017.
Planned Expenditures
(entered by the school)
Actual Expenditures
(entered by the school)
Actual Expenditures
(entered by the District
Business Administrator)
Remaining Funds (Carry-Over to 2017-2018)
Carry-Over from 2015-2016
Distribution for 2016-2017
Total Available for Expenditure in 2016-2017
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
Employee Benefits (200)
Professional and Technical Services (300)
Repairs and Maintenance (400)
Other Purchased Services (Admission and Printing) (500)
Travel (580)
General Supplies (610)
Textbooks (641)
Library Books (644)
Periodicals, AV Materials (650-660)
Software (670)
Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)
Total Expenditures
Goal #1
Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 80% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.
Academic Areas
  • Reading
This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.
We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. The first administration will be in September. The second administration will be in January.  The third and final DIBELS assessment will be in May.  The  final assessment of the school year and will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.
Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.
Beginning of year DIBELS score for the school: 61% on benchmark

End of year DIBELS score for the school:
74.3% on benchmark
Action Plan Steps
This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.
Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and we have seen very positive results. For the 2016-2017 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year.

To follow is a summary of how these reading groups will be formed and conducted:
1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of the PAA and QPS assessments.
2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes.
3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time.
4. Aides and teachers will work together and all will lead a group of their own.
5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow.  We will make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.
6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate.
7. Assessments will be completed regularly by the adult in charge of each group so that we can monitor student progress. Each program we are using includes a built-in assessment.
8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time. 9. The instructional day for all half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students.
10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning. Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale.
Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:
1. Kindergarten testing,           Aug 31-Sept 3.        The PAA test will be administered to all incoming kindergarten students.
2. 1-3 testing,          Sept 3-14 The QPS will be administered to all 1-3 grade students.
3. Teachers, aides and the literacy coach will work together to determine appropriate placement of students into groups. (Ongoing)
3. Professional Development for aides    3-Sep Training on intervention groups using BEPS and BEPAS data.  Training on other programs as determined by the literacy coach.  
4. All K-3 reading groups should begin on September 19th.
5. Grades 4-5 reading groups will begin at about this same time. They will start once students have been assessed using the BEPS.

Community Council Meeting
Meeting Date: October 3, 2017                                                 Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: Library            
Members Present: Mark Johnson, Dacia Stone, Julie Taylor, Shaylee Holman
Members Absent: Alisa Baron, Greg Christensen, Kappy Williams, Nicole Jensen
Financial Report- Trust land funding for this year’s plan is: $57,700.  See the attached plan. 

Plan Implementation Report-
·         The current land trust plan.  How much money we were allocated, how it is being used, etc.  The plan is attached.

·         The title I Parent/School Compact.  This document was reviewed by those in attendance.  We will be sending it home at SEP conferences.

·         The school’s emphasis on reading instruction and achievement.

·         We also discussed the fact that we need to amend our plan.  Last year, we had planned to bring in Jan Hasbrouk to meet with our teachers.  That plan did not work out and so we now have that money to use for something else.  The members present asked me to get with Mandy, our literacy coach, and see what ideas she might have.

New items-none

Action Items (a detailed description of the motion, who made the motion, # voted for, # voted against)
*must have a quorum present
The committee members present voted unanimously to pass the land trust plan as attached. The motion was put forward by Julie Taylor and seconded by Alisa Baron.

Other items

Next meeting: (date, time, location) November 7, 2017, library at 3:00.

This is the Land Trust plan for 2017-2018 as voted on by the council:


Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 84% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.
Academic Areas
  • Reading
We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. The first administration will be in September. The second administration will be in January.  The third and final DIBELS assessment will be in May.  The  final assessment of the school year will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.
Action Plan Steps
A. Lake View will provide professional development for our teachers.  We have asked Jan Hasbrouk to come and present to our teachers on August 21st.

B. Lake View will purchase some Scholastic periodicals for tier 1 reading. We will purchase Scope for 5th grade, Story Works for 4th grade and Story Works Jr. for 3rd grade. The cost of these is calculated per student.

C. Lake View will purchase a reading intervention kit designed for grades 3-5. We will purchase teacher materials as well as several copies of the student texts. This kit is designed to re-mediate students who have deficits in basic skills. It is made by Reading Mastery.

D. Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and we have seen very positive results. For the 2017-2018 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year.

Lake View will provide professional development for both aides and teachers on an ongoing basis. We will be able to pay aides to attend and teachers to pay for substitutes as needed.

To follow is a summary of how these reading groups will be formed and conducted:
1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of t he BEPA and BEPAST assessments.
2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes.
3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time.
4. Aides and teachers will work together and all will lead a group of their own.
5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow.  We will make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.
6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate.
7. Assessments will be completed regularly by the adult in charge of each group so that we can monitor student progress. Each program we are using includes a built-in assessment.
8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time. 9. The instructional day for all half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students.
10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning. Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale.
Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:
1. Kindergarten testing,           Aug 28-Sept 1.        The BEPAST test will be administered to all incoming kindergarten students.
2. 1-3 testing,          Sept 3-14 The BEPA will be administered to all 1-3 grade students.
3. Teachers, aides and the literacy coach will work together to determine appropriate placement of students into groups. (Ongoing)
3. Professional Development for aides    1-Sep Training on intervention groups using BEPA and BEPAST data.  Training on other programs as determined by the literacy coach.  
4. All K-3 reading groups should begin on September 18th.
5. Grades 4-5 reading groups will begin at about this same time. They will start once students have been assessed using the BEPA.

Lake View Elementary
Parent-School Compact

            I want my child to achieve therefore I will:
Make certain my child attends school regularly and on time.
See that my child is well-rested and has breakfast each day.
Set aside a specific time and place for homework, assisting as necessary.
Attend at least two conferences and communicate regularly with my child’s teacher to ensure his/her academic success.
Support the school and staff in maintaining proper discipline.
Read with my child and let him/her see me read regularly.
Encourage positive attitudes toward school.
Volunteer in my child’s classroom as appropriate.
Review information and work sent home and respond as necessary.

      It is important that I learn, therefore I will:
Attend school regularly and on time.
Complete assignments and homework.
Bring homework and supplies to school each day.
Work to the best of my ability.
Work cooperatively with classmates, teachers and staff.
Respect myself, other people, and my school.
Follow all school rules.
Accept responsibility for my own actions.

            It is important that my student achieve, therefore I will:
Hold expectations high for all students, believing that all students can learn.
Provide high-quality instruction in a supportive and non-threatening environment.
Provide meaningful homework.
Communicate regularly with my students and their families through conferences, notes, phone calls, etc.
Provide opportunities for parents to assist in the classroom in meaningful ways and to observe classroom activities.

      I support this agreement, therefore I will:
Provide an equitable learning environment for all children.
Encourage the staff to provide parents with information about the total school program.
Encourage our staff to provide avenues for positive and meaningful parent involvement.
Assure that teachers have access to quality professional development and improvement measures
Place student safety and learning above all else.

Agenda for the Community Council Meeting to be held on 10/3/17

Parent Compact review
Parent Involvement policy review
Purpose of Land Trust plan

All parents are invited to attend.  The meeting will be held at 3:00 in the Library of our school.

This is an invitation to serve on the Lake View Community Council

·        The community council meets once per month for about 45 minutes.
·        The CC members serve as parent representatives to the school.  Members help the school to decide on how to spend Land Trust money. They also help the staff make decisions regarding school activities and academics.  You could even help with the yearbook.
·        To be a member of the community council you must have a child attending Lake View.  You will need to let the principal know you are interested and then you will be listed as a candidate.  If necessary, the school will hold an election in a few weeks on September 14, 2017. 
·        Only parents are allowed to vote on the candidates.

If you are interested, please call or e-mail right away!  We hope to hear from you soon!
435 734-4922

Duties and Responsibilities of the Community Council
The community council is made up of both parents and school employees.  The council must have two more parent members than it does employees.  The council meets regularly and serves as a liaison between all parents and school employees.  Council members are happy to speak with you if you have questions or concerns.  Parents who are interested in serving on the council in the future are invited to contact the principal or a member of the council to find out more about it.  Elections to determine parent members are held each fall.  The council also contributes to the annual school improvement plan that is implemented by school faculty.    The community council also creates the annual land trust plan.  The land trust plan determines how our school land trust money will be spent. Members will also have input towards the school improvement plan.
Our schedule for meetings for 2017-2018 is:
October 3, 2017 
November 7, 2017
December 5, 2017
January 9, 2018
February 6, 2018
March 6, 2018
April 3, 2018
May 1, 2018

Land trust budget for 2017-2018 is $63,398
All meetings are open to the public
All members are required to view the state provided video explaining land trust
Contact info for all members must be on the web-site
Rules and Order of Procedure used in our meetings:
Robert's Rules of Order - Summary Version
For Fair and Orderly Meetings & Conventions

Provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole membership on the same footing and speaking the same language. The conduct of ALL business is controlled by the general will of the whole membership - the right of the deliberate majority to decide. Complementary is the right of at least a strong minority to require the majority to be deliberate - to act according to its considered judgment AFTER a full and fair "working through" of the issues involved. Robert's Rules provides for constructive and democratic meetings, to help, not hinder, the business of the assembly. Under no circumstances should "undue strictness" be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation. 

The fundamental right of deliberative assemblies require all questions to be thoroughly discussed before taking action!

The assembly rules - they have the final say on everything! Silence means consent! 

·         Obtain the floor (the right to speak) by being the first to stand when the person speaking has finished; state Mr./Madam Chairman. Raising your hand means nothing, and standing while another has the floor is out of order! Must be recognized by the Chair before speaking!
·         Debate can not begin until the Chair has stated the motion or resolution and asked "are you ready for the question?" If no one rises, the chair calls for the vote!
·         Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.
·         The "immediately pending question" is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution - Amendment - Motion to Postpone
·         The member moving the "immediately pending question" is entitled to preference to the floor!
·         No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once!
·         All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment - avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives!
·         The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!
The Rules
·         Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. - may interrupt only if necessary!
·         Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion - to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of order
·         Point of Information: Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: "I should like to ask the (speaker) a question."
·         Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)
·         Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made
·         Main Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly
·         Divide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)
·         Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble can not be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.
·         Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions
·         Withdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor
·         Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).
·         Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of time
·         Limit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of time
·         Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed
·         Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated
·         Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending
·         Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table
·         Reconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view
·         Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session - exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session
·         Previous Question: Closes debate if successful - may be moved to "Close Debate" if preferred
·         Informal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into "Committee of the Whole" - informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.
·         Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide - must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business
·         Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly's own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified
© 1997 Beverly Kennedy 

Lake View Community Council Minutes

Meeting Date:             May 2, 2017                            Meeting Time:  3:00
Meeting Location:       1st grade quad area
Members Present:        Brooke Sepulveda, Julie Taylor, Nicole Jensen, Kappy Williams
Members Absent:        Alisa Baron, Katie Gifford, Lacey Olsen

Financial Report:         none                           

Plan Implementation Report   on schedule.  Trust lands money is being spent exactly as described in the plan

New items      

Action Items (a detailed description of the motion, who made the motion, # voted for, # voted against)
*must have a quorum present
There were no action items

Other items
A discussion was held about the district title I “one school, one book” initiative.  The program will be run again next year.  It will probably be done in the fall.  The council was asked to consider some different books for the reading initiative.  The titles being considered were: The Chocolate Touch, The Humphrey series, and The Boxcar Children.  After a discussion, the council voted and decided that they supported The Boxcar Children.  This preference will be shared with Darin Nielsen at the district office. 

Next meeting: (date, time, location)
September 5, 2017 at 3:00 in the first grade quad

Lake View Community Council Agenda

Meeting to be held on May 2, 2017 at 3:00 in the first grade quad

Community Council Members for 2016-2017
Name                                  ____               Title                                        e-mail                            
Katie Gifford                                             Parent Member      
Lacey Olsen                                              Parent Member      
Julie Taylor                                               Parent/chair            
Brooke Sepulveda                                     Parent Member       
Alisa Baron                                               Parent Member       
Mark Johnson                                            Principal/secretary 
Kappy Williams                                        Teacher                   
Nicole Jensen                                            Teacher                   

Agenda 05/02/2017

We will be discussing the book selection for next year’s "One School, One Book" program.  

Lake View Community Council 

Lake View Community Council Minutes

Meeting Date: March 28, 2017                                   Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: First Grade Quad       
Members Present: Lacey Olsen, Julie Taylor, Kappy Williams, Nicole Jensen, Alisa Baron
Members Absent: Brooke Sepulveda, Kathy Gifford
Financial Report- We have been granted more funds for next year than we had this year.  Next year’s budget is $63,398.  That is an increase of $16,683
Plan Implementation Report
New items

Action Items (a detailed description of the motion, who made the motion, # voted for, # voted against)
*must have a quorum present
The committee members present voted unanimously to pass the land trust plan as attached. The motion was put forward by Julie Taylor and seconded by Alisa Baron.

Other items

Next meeting: (date, time, location) May 2, 2017, first grade quad at 3:00.

This is the Land Trust plan for 2017-2018 as voted on by the council:


Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 84% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.
Academic Areas
  • Reading
We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. The first administration will be in September. The second administration will be in January.  The third and final DIBELS assessment will be in May.  The  final assessment of the school year will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.
Action Plan Steps
A. Lake View will provide professional development for our teachers.  We have asked Jan Hasbrouk to come and present to our teachers on August 21st.

B. Lake View will purchase some Scholastic periodicals for tier 1 reading. We will purchase Scope for 5th grade, Story Works for 4th grade and Story Works Jr. for 3rd grade. The cost of these is calculated per student.

C. Lake View will purchase a reading intervention kit designed for grades 3-5. We will purchase teacher materials as well as several copies of the student texts. This kit is designed to re-mediate students who have deficits in basic skills. It is made by Reading Mastery.

D. Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and we have seen very positive results. For the 2017-2018 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year.

Lake View will provide professional development for both aides and teachers on an ongoing basis. We will be able to pay aides to attend and teachers to pay for substitutes as needed.

To follow is a summary of how these reading groups will be formed and conducted:
1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of t he BEPA and BEPAST assessments.
2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes.
3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time.
4. Aides and teachers will work together and all will lead a group of their own.
5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow.  We will make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.
6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate.
7. Assessments will be completed regularly by the adult in charge of each group so that we can monitor student progress. Each program we are using includes a built-in assessment.
8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time. 9. The instructional day for all half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students.
10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning. Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale.
Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:
1. Kindergarten testing,           Aug 28-Sept 1.        The BEPAST test will be administered to all incoming kindergarten students.
2. 1-3 testing,          Sept 3-14 The BEPA will be administered to all 1-3 grade students.
3. Teachers, aides and the literacy coach will work together to determine appropriate placement of students into groups. (Ongoing)
3. Professional Development for aides    1-Sep Training on intervention groups using BEPA and BEPAST data.  Training on other programs as determined by the literacy coach.  
4. All K-3 reading groups should begin on September 18th.
5. Grades 4-5 reading groups will begin at about this same time. They will start once students have been assessed using the BEPA.

Our next meeting will be held on March 28, 2017 at 3:00 in the first grade quad. All are invited to attend.

Lake View Community Council Minutes

Meeting Date: March 14, 2017                                    Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: First Grade Quad        
Members Present: Brooke Sepulveda, Lacey Olsen, Julie Taylor, Kappy Williams, Alisa Baron
Members Absent: Nicole Jensen, Kathy Gifford
Financial Report- We have been granted more funds for next year than we had this year.  Next year’s budget is $63,398.  That is an increase of $16,683

Plan Implementation Report

New items

Action Items *must have a quorum present

Other items
A discussion was held on the land trust plan for next year.  Several ideas were suggested and the cost of these suggestions were discussed.  First of all it decided in general to maintain the existing reading plan that the land trust funds supported this year.  Then the council discussed how best to use the additional funds that have been allocated for next year.  Hiring an additional aide, purchasing new chrome books, paying for professional development for both teachers and aides, purchasing teaching resources were all discussed.  In the end the council decided to ask the principal to speak with the school team leaders and get their suggestions.  The council wants to know what needs the teachers have.  The principal will report back to the council at the next meeting which will be held soon. 

Next meeting: (date, time, location) March 28, 2017, first grade quad at 3:00.  

The February Meeting was cancelled.

                                                     Lake View Community Council Minutes

Minutes January 10, 2017

Meeting Date: Jan 10, 2017                   Meeting Time:  3:00
Meeting Location: 1st grade quad area
Members Present: Brooke Sepulveda, Julie Taylor, Nicole Jensen, Lacey Olsen
Members Absent: Kappy Williams, Alisa Baron, Katie Gifford
Financial Report: none                                    

Plan Implementation Report: On schedule.  Trust lands money is being spent exactly as described in the plan
New items: None           

Action Items (a detailed description of the motion, who made the motion, # voted for, # voted against)*must have a quorum present: 
There were no action items
Other items
A discussion was held about reading groups.  The school recently set goals for each classroom, grade and school-wide for reading achievement.  The principal and literacy coach recently met with each grade level team and examined data from last year’s DIBELS and the beginning of this year.  Using that, a goal was set for the classroom and grade level.   Intermediate benchmarks were set for each as well.  At a faculty meeting soon afterward, the school set the goal to have 79% of all students on grade level per the end of year DIBELS test.
This process was described to the council members as well as PD that is taking place in support of this effort.  The evolution of the reading program was discussed.  It was reported that the teachers and aides are in better shape than ever due to supplies and training.  The new literacy coach is also making a big and positive difference. 

Next meeting: 
Feb. 7, 2017 at 3:00 in the first grade quad

Lake View Community Council Notes for December 6, 2016

Community Council Members for 2016-2017 (present in yellow)
Name                                                 Title                                        e-mail
Katie Gifford                               Parent Member                    
Lacey Olsen                                Parent Member                     
Julie Taylor                                 Parent/chair                          
Brooke Sepulveda                       Parent Member                     
Alisa Baron                                 Parent Member                     
Mark Johnson                              Principal/secretary               
Kappy Williams                          Teacher                                 
Nicole Jensen                              Teacher                                 

Notes 12/6/16

-          Lunch Schedules-Discussion regarding amount of time for eating and whether break comes before or after lunch.
Lacey Olsen mentioned that after reading an article on KSL and sharing it with another parent, there were concerns regarding whether the students were getting enough food and time to play.  Those present were informed that because of the way Mr. Johnson has set up lunches, every grade gets the same amount of eating and playing time and students are not allowed to leave the lunch room unless they have eaten.

-          Lake View math program-tier 1 instruction, BELS, interventions, coaching for teachers, formative and new BELS assessments, reading instruction, etc.
The members were informed of what the faculty at the school are doing to improve math teaching and scores.  They received an explanation about interventions being conducted at the school, about how the coaches can individualize teacher improvement with the help of technology (Swivl© cam).  The council members were also informed of BELS and what are they as well as what is being done to keep track of student improvement including effective PLC meetings. 
Reading was also addressed and the members were informed of how BEPAs are guiding and helping instruction. 

Lacey Olsen brought up the idea of having a community garden and the school.  Because there weren’t enough present, that idea may be discussed in a future meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 and the next meeting was ratified to be held on January 10th at 3:00 p.m.

Lake View Community Council Agenda

Meeting to be held on December 6, 2016 at 3:00 in the first grade quad

Community Council Members for 2016-2017
Name                                  ____               Title                                        e-mail                            
Katie Gifford                                             Parent Member      
Lacey Olsen                                              Parent Member      
Julie Taylor                                               Parent/chair            
Brooke Sepulveda                                     Parent Member       
Alisa Baron                                               Parent Member       
Mark Johnson                                            Principal/secretary 
Kappy Williams                                        Teacher                   
Nicole Jensen                                            Teacher                   

Agenda 12/6/16
Lunch Schedules-Discussion regarding amount of time for eating and whether break comes before or after lunch

Lake View math program-tier 1 instruction, interventions, coaching for teachers, assessments, etc.

Lake View Community Council Agenda

Meeting Date:  11/1/16                                 Meeting Time: 3:00
Meeting Location: First Grade Quad
Members Present:  Mark Johnson, Alisa Baron, Nicole Jensen, Kappy Williams, Brooke Sepulveda, Lacey Olsen, Julie Taylor
Members Absent:  Katie Gifford

Financial Report- on budget

Plan Implementation Report
The members were presented with information regarding reading achievement at Lake View.  Mandy Stokes, the literacy coach at the school, presented information.  A description of the small group reading program was given as well as the use of the Saxon Phonics program.  The Land Trust program allows us to implement our small group reading interventions program.  It pays for several of our aides. 
The following information was shared which shows our reading achievement per DIBELS testing is trending up in the lower grades:
Last year, kindergarten improved from 44% to 75% on benchmark
Last year, first grade improved from 55% to 65%
Last year second grade stayed at around 65% from the beginning to the end of the year. 
This year, first grade is starting at 77% and second grade is starting at 76%.   That is quite a bit better as a starting point. 

New items--None

Action Items--None

Other items--None

Next meeting: December 6, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in the first grade quad.

Lake View Community Council Agenda for the November 1, 2016 meeting

Community Council Members for 2016-2017
Name                                                 Title                                        e-mail
Katie Gifford                               Parent Member                     
Lacey Olsen                                Parent Member                     
Julie Taylor                                 Parent/chair                           
Brooke Sepulveda                       Parent Member                     
Alisa Baron                                 Parent Member                     
Mark Johnson                             Principal/secretary                 
Kappy Williams                         Teacher                                   
Nicole Jensen                             Teacher                                   

Agenda 11/1/16

DIBELS scores and reading plan review

Community Council Minutes

Meeting Date:   10/4/16                                Meeting Time:  3:00                       
Meeting Location:           First grade quad area
Members Present:          All present
Members Absent:           none

Financial Report                
The land trust budget amount was presented.  We have $46,715 available for the 2016-2017 school year.

Plan Implementation Report      
A report was given by the principal on the school improvement plan and also the small group reading plan that is being financed in part by land trust funds. The reading plan was explained to all members and a few questions were answered. Parents were invited to visit the school and observe reading groups in action.  One parent set a time to visit. 

New items          
Parent members have asked for a report on DIBELS data so they can see the effects of the reading program. This will be provided at the next meeting. 

Action Items (a detailed description of the motion, who made the motion, # voted for, # voted against)*must have a quorum present
A council chair was selected. Brooke Sepulveda volunteered to do it. A motion was made by Julie Taylor and seconded by Kappy Williams, the vote was then unanimous.  Brooke Sepulveda is the new chair.
A council vice chair, Lacey Olsen, was also selected. Motion made by Brooke S. and seconded by Alisa Baron. Voting was unanimous.
A council secretary was chosen, Mark Johnson.  He volunteered. Motion was made by Julie Taylor and seconded by Alisa Baron. Voting was unanimous.

All members but one reported that they had watched the required training video. Tha member committed to watching it.
The school’s steps toward providing the required training and safeguards for internet safety was discussed. Several good questions were asked. Utah Netsmartz will provide an assembly. Filters are also very aggressive on the network and the Safe Touch program also provides very effective training.
The role of the community council was chosen.
An information packet was provided to all members.  It is attached at the bottom of these minutes. 

Other items

Next meeting:   November 1, 2016 at 3:00 in the first grade quad

Duties and Responsibilities of the Community Council
The community council is made up of both parents and school employees.  The council must have two more parent members than it does employees.  The council meets regularly and serves as a liaison between all parents and school employees.  Council members are happy to speak with you if you have questions or concerns.  Parents who are interested in serving on the council in the future are invited to contact the principal or a member of the council to find out more about it.  Elections to determine parent members are held each fall.  The council also contributes to the annual school improvement plan that is implemented by school faculty.    The community council also creates the annual land trust plan.  The land trust plan determines how our school land trust money will be spent. Members will also have input towards the school improvement plan.
Our schedule for meetings for 2016-2017 is:
October 4, 2016 
November 1, 2016
December 6, 2016
January 3, 2017
February 7, 2017
March 7, 2017
April 4, 2017
May 2, 2017

Land trust budget for 2016-2017 is $46,715
All meetings are open to the public
All members are required to view the state provided video explaining land trust
Contact info for all members must be on the web-site

Rules and Order of Procedure used in our meetings:
Robert's Rules of Order - Summary Version
For Fair and Orderly Meetings & Conventions

Provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole membership on the same footing and speaking the same language. The conduct of ALL business is controlled by the general will of the whole membership - the right of the deliberate majority to decide. Complementary is the right of at least a strong minority to require the majority to be deliberate - to act according to its considered judgment AFTER a full and fair "working through" of the issues involved. Robert's Rules provides for constructive and democratic meetings, to help, not hinder, the business of the assembly. Under no circumstances should "undue strictness" be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation. 

The fundamental right of deliberative assemblies require all questions to be thoroughly discussed before taking action!

The assembly rules - they have the final say on everything! Silence means consent! 

·         Obtain the floor (the right to speak) by being the first to stand when the person speaking has finished; state Mr./Madam Chairman. Raising your hand means nothing, and standing while another has the floor is out of order! Must be recognized by the Chair before speaking!
·         Debate can not begin until the Chair has stated the motion or resolution and asked "are you ready for the question?" If no one rises, the chair calls for the vote!
·         Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.
·         The "immediately pending question" is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution - Amendment - Motion to Postpone
·         The member moving the "immediately pending question" is entitled to preference to the floor!
·         No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once!
·         All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment - avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives!
·         The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!
The Rules
·         Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. - may interrupt only if necessary!
·         Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion - to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of order
·         Point of Information: Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: "I should like to ask the (speaker) a question."
·         Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)
·         Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made
·         Main Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly
·         Divide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)
·         Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble can not be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.
·         Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions
·         Withdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor
·         Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).
·         Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of time
·         Limit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of time
·         Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed
·         Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated
·         Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending
·         Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table
·         Reconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view
·         Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session - exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session
·         Previous Question: Closes debate if successful - may be moved to "Close Debate" if preferred
·         Informal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into "Committee of the Whole" - informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.
·         Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide - must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business
·         Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly's own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified
© 1997 Beverly Kennedy 

To follow is the 2015-2016 Lake View Elementary School land trust plan. Lake View implemented the plan exactly as stated below. A new plan for 2016-2017 has now been implemented.  It is found immediately after the 2015-2016 plan posted here.  

Goal #1

Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 80% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.

Academic Areas
·                     Reading

We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. Once on September 15 and 16, 2015. The second administration will be January 19 and 20, 2015. The third and final DIBELS assessment will be on May 9 and 10, 2016. The assessments on May 9 and 10 will be the final assessment of the school year and will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.

Action Plan Steps
Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and so far we have seen very positive results. For the 2015-2016 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year. These groups will be different from the traditional guided reading groups which the district has been conducting for several years. To follow is a summary of the groups:

 1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of the PAA and QPS assessments. 2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes. 

3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time. 

4. Aides and teachers as a team will conduct the groups. 

5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow to make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.

 6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate. 

7. Assessments will be completed regularly to monitor this progress. 

8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time. 

9. The instructional day half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students. 

10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. 

Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning.

Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale. Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:

1. Kindergarten testing, Aug 31-Sept 3 The PAA test will be administered to all incoming kindergarteners 

2. 1-3 testing, Sept 3-14 QPS administered to all 1-3 grade students 

3. Professional Development for aides 3-Sep Training on intervention groups using QPS data 

4. Professional Development for aides, 9-Sep Training on Reading Mastery or other direct instruction program as selected and in harmony with district literacy plan 5. DIBELS testing for all grades, September 15 and 16 

6. Form groups using PAA, QPS and DIBELS data, Sept 17-18 Literacy coach, principal, teachers and aides will team to create these groups. Last minute PD to be provided as necessary. 

7. Groups begin 21-Sep

Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
We will pay the salaries of a portion of the aides necessary to implement this plan. We will also use title I money to pay the salaries of other aides who will also be involved in implementing this plan. Based on the estimated Land Trust funding for 2015-2016, we will pay for 5 instructional aides. 3 aides to work 163 days per year and 3.75 hours per day. Also, 2 aides to work 163 days per year and 2.5 hours per day.

Summary of Estimated Expenditures
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
Funding Estimates
Estimated Carry-over from the 2014-2015 Progress Report
Estimated Distribution in 2015-2016
Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2015-2016
Summary of Estimated Expenditures For 2015-2016
Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2016-2017:
Increased Distribution
The 2015-2016 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?
We will either hire an additional aide or aides, or we will use the money to purchase additional instructional materials in support of our reading plan.


·                     Letters to policy makers and/or administrators of trust lands and trust funds.
·                     School newsletter
·                     School website

Here are the results from last year’s plan.
This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.
We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. Once on September 15 and 16, 2015. The second administration will be January 19 and 20, 2015. The third and final DIBELS assessment will be on May 9 and 10, 2016. The assessments on May 9 and 10 will be the final assessment of the school year and will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.
Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.
We are using DIBELS scores to show progress towards the goals.  I will list DIBELS composite scores for each grade level at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.  The percentage listed is the percentage of students at benchmark at that time of year:

First grade
Second grade
Third grade
Fourth grade
Fifth grade

2016-2017 School Land Trust plan for Lake View Elementary
Goal #1
Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 80% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.
Academic Areas
  • Reading
We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. The first administration will be in September. The second administration will be in January.  The third and final DIBELS assessment will be in May.  The  final assessment of the school year and will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.
Action Plan Steps
Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and we have seen very positive results. For the 2016-2017 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year.

To follow is a summary of how these reading groups will be formed and conducted:
1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of the PAA and QPS assessments.
2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes.
3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time.
4. Aides and teachers will work together and all will lead a group of their own.
5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow.  We will make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.
6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate.
7. Assessments will be completed regularly by the adult in charge of each group so that we can monitor student progress. Each program we are using includes a built-in assessment.
8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time. 9. The instructional day for all half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students.
10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning. Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale.
Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:
1. Kindergarten testing,           Aug 31-Sept 3.        The PAA test will be administered to all incoming kindergarten students.
2. 1-3 testing,          Sept 3-14 The QPS will be administered to all 1-3 grade students.
3. Teachers, aides and the literacy coach will work together to determine appropriate placement of students into groups. (Ongoing)
3. Professional Development for aides    3-Sep Training on intervention groups using BEPS and BEPAS data.  Training on other programs as determined by the literacy coach.  
4. All K-3 reading groups should begin on September 19th.
5. Grades 4-5 reading groups will begin at about this same time. They will start once students have been assessed using the BEPS.
Estimated Cost
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
We will pay the salaries of a portion of the aides necessary to implement this plan. We will also use title I money to pay the salaries of other aides who will also be involved in implementing this plan. Based on the estimated Land Trust funding for 2015-2016, we will pay for 5 instructional aides. 3 aides to work 163 days per year and 3.75 hours per day. Also, 2 aides to work 163 days per year and 2.5 hours per day. We will also pay for 2 aides to work 163 days per year for 2 hours per day.

Summary of Estimated Expenditures
Estimated Cost
(entered by the school)
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
Funding Estimates
Estimated Carry-over from the 2015-2016 Progress Report
Estimated Distribution in 2016-2017
Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2016-2017
Summary of Estimated Expenditures For 2016-2017
This number may not be a negative number     Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2017-2018
Increased Distribution
The 2016-2017 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?
If we have increased funds, we would hire an additional aide or increase the hours of an aide or aides currently employed in our reading programs. Whether to hire additional help or extend time with an existing aide would be determined by the council at that time according to the greatest needs of the school.
  • Letters to policy makers and/or administrators of trust lands and trust funds.
  • School newsletter
  • School website

Community Council Members for 2016-2017
Name                                                 Title                                        e-mail
Katie Gifford                                         Parent Member       
Lacey Olsen                                           Parent Member       
Julie Taylor                                            Parent/chair             
Brooke Sepulveda                                 ParentMember         
Alisa Baron                                           Parent Member        
Mark Johnson                                        Principal/secretary  
Kappy Williams                                    Teacher                    
Nicole Jensen                                        Teacher                    

Agenda 10/4/16
Schedule of future meetings
Role of community council
Land Trust plan review
Selection of officers

Community Council Schedule 2016-2017

The 2015-2016 Community Council meetings for Lake View Elementary will be held at 2:45 p.m. in the library on the following dates:

October 4, 2016 
November 1, 2016
December 6, 2016
January 10, 2017
February 7, 2017
March 7, 2017
April 4, 2017
May 2, 2017

Community Council Notes for the meeting held on May 10th, 2016

Meeting Notes

Attending: Julie Taylor, Alisa Baron, Mark Johnson, Ana Hansen, Kelly Esparza

The council discussed two books lists of children's books for the purpose of narrowing down the choices to five titles to be used next year for the One School, One Book program.
The council discussed each title based on age appropriateness, interest level, length, and thematics.
The council members chose five books and the books chosen were:
  • The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl
  • The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skeene Catling
  • The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
  • Ramona Quimby by Beverly Cleary
  • The Humphrey Series by Betty G. Birney

The community council meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

Agenda for the meeting to be held May 10, 2016

  • Discussion of book list for Title 1 Program One School One Book

Community Council Notes for the meeting held on March 28, 2016

Meeting Notes
Attending: Mark Johnson, Ana Hansen, Brooke Sepulveda, Alisa Baron
There is an increase in the budget of approximately $11,000
It could be used for reading and math aides
The proposed plan was reviewed
Voting was carried out on plan.  Alyssa motioned, those in attendance voted unanimously to accept the plan as written.
It was mentioned that the book Long Way from Chicago was not the favorite, there were concerns about the content, not a fun read for younger students, perhaps too difficult the parents mentioned.
The funding for the books comes from Title 1 and it goes to all six elementary schools that qualify.  The community council members were asked to make recommendations on books to be used in the future. 
Those recommendations can be sent to the district.  Brooke Sepulveda mentioned that there are about $500 from the book fair to be used in the dual immersion program.

Next meeting will be held May 10th at 3:15 in the library.

Agenda for the Community Council Meeting to be held March 29, 2016

  • Review and voting of the completed land trust plan for next year.

Community Council Meeting on March 15, 2016
At our last meeting, it was discussed that we would have more money this year in our budget than last year.  Our projected amount for the 2016-2017 school year is $42,257.  The distribution for the 2015-2016 school year was about $33,500.  The council determined that current reading plan should continue as it is.  The entire current land trust budget is being used this year to finance that reading plan for K-3.  
Since there is more money, the council asked the teachers and principal how best to spend the extra money.  The principal and teachers on the council suggested that 4-5 grades could use more extra help since all of the money is currently going to K-3.  The council agreed and the principal was asked to talk to the 4-5 grade teachers to get their ideas. 
The principal did talk to the 4-5 grade teachers and they decided that they would like to have an aide or aides to assist them with their reading groups in the morning.  This was presented to the council.  Council members voted unanimously to proceed with the plan.  The plan will maintain the current k-3 reading groups and add aide time using the additional funds available this year. 
The principal was asked to complete the plan and have it ready for the council to formally vote on.  The next meeting was scheduled for March 29, 2016 at 3:15 in the library.      

Jennifer Madsen                                    left council               
Julie Taylor                                            Parent/chair             
Brooke Sepulveda                                 Parent Member        
Vanishia Corbin                                    Parent member         
Alisa Baron                                           Parent Member        
Michael London                                   Parent Member         
Mark Johnson                                      Principal/secretary    
Ana Hansen                                         Teacher                      
Kelly Esparza                                      Teacher                       
Absent at this meeting are indicated in yellow.

Agenda for the Community Council Meeting to be held March 15, 2016

  • Discussion of land trust plan for next year

Notes for the Meeting held on February 9th, 2016

Alisha Baron
Julie Taylor
Ana Hansen
Mark Johnson
Kelly Esparza


Michael London

Brooke Sepulveda

Vanishia Corbin

The evacuation and emergency plans were discussed at great length.  We are still waiting for the answer regarding getting a key to one or both of the stake center buildings.  Brad Bennett who works at our school does have keys to the building on Fishburn.

The lock down drill was discussed and Mr. Johnson mentioned that it went really well, he said that it happened at a time when there were tutors and parents in the building and all of them were pulled into classrooms.

A question was presented regarding whether buckets should be carried out during drills and the answer was yes.

Evacuation procedures and the plan itself are being looked over by other people besides in house personnel.

The Land trust plan for the upcoming year is due toward the end of april.

The current plan and budget were reviewed.

There is an expected increase in next year funding coming from Land Trust.

The possibility of using additional funds on math or reading aides was discussed.  It was also discussed that technology could be purchased.

The council felt that reading groups should continue to be our top priority The possibility of using some funding for reading group aides was discussed.

Community Council would like to have the teachers provide input regarding how to spend additional funding. 

Julie Taylor presented the motion that reading groups stay the same and that the council investigate ideas on how to spend additional funding.  Motion was seconded by Alisha Baron.  A vote was carried out and the motion passed unanimously. Mark Johnson is going to talk to some teachers and get their input on where they feel the funding would be most valuable and prioritize them. The 5 things were 1) Additional K-3 reading aide, 2) Additional Math Aide, 3) Chrome Books, 4) Upper Grade reading aide, or 5) Other.

The notes will be typed and will be sent to those attending as well as those absent to keep them informed and any adjustments will be made accordingly.

Adjourned at 3:55

Agenda for the Community Council Meeting to be held February 9th, 2016

  • Discussion on current land trust plan and projected amount for next year

  • Discussion on school safety procedures and drills 

Community Council Notes for the meeting held on January 12, 2016

Julie Taylor     
Alisa Baron
Ana Hansen
Mark Johnson

Kelly Esparza
Brooke Sepulveda
Michael London
Venishia Corbin
Emergency procedures were discussed and each member received a copy of the emergency procedures in place at the school.  The procedures were discussed.
Mr. Johnson presented the emergency plan and off site evacuation plan. The map for the off-site evacuation was also presented.  An ideal off site evacuation building was discussed and the possibilities of both the west and south LDS church buildings were discussed.  It was agreed that the south building might be the better suited because of distance and direction.  The stake president will be contacted to see the possibility of getting a key to be kept at the school for use in an emergency evacuation.  Possibilities of school personnel being used as resources who might already have a key were also discussed. 
Each member will look at the plans and will bring any suggestions to the next meeting.  Schedule for upcoming meetings will be as follows:
February 9th , 2016
March 15th (Land Trust discussion)
April 12th (Land Trust Discussion)
All the meetings will be held in the school library, they are open to the public and will begin at 3:15 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:42 p.m.

Agenda for the Community Council meeting to be held January, 12

--Question and answers

Community council notes for the meeting held December 8,2015
Attending                                                         Absent
Brooke Sepulveda                                            Alisa Baron   
Ana Hansen                                                     Vanishia Corbin
Julie Taylor                                                      Michael London
 Kelly Esparza                                                 Jennifer Madsen 
Mark Johnson

Jennifer Madsen resigned as Community council chair.  Julie Taylor was nominated to take over the role for the remainder of the school year.  She was voted in unanimously. 
She will make sure to send an agenda at least a week before the meetings.  She will also send out emails reminding people of the meeting.
The meeting schedule will remain the same.  Next meeting will be held January 12, 2016
Meeting was adjourned at 4:00

 Community Council Notes from the meeting held on Tuesday November 10, 2015

Attending                                                        Absent
Jennifer Madsen                                              Brooke Sepulveda
Alisa Baron                                                      Vanishia Corbin
Julie Taylor                                                      Michael London
Mark Johnson
Ana Hansen
Kelly Esparza

One Family, One Book
The council members talked about the school wide reading of Frindle, the members mentioned how much the students are enjoying it at home.  Mr. Johnson mentioned that any time he has asked a student about Frindle they have been able to give him an answer.

Reading Groups
Groups are going well, the first grade reevaluated the students and reorganized groups to better serve the students based on the latest BEPS results.

Math Tutoring
Mr. Johnson talked about the math peer groups that are being held at the school with the first- fourth and second-fifth grade students.  Mrs. Hansen mentioned that this program is of benefit to both grades because they form relationships with the students but also honed in their math skills and help the younger students feel success.

Teacher Coaching
Mr. Johnson mentioned that the math and literacy coaches are working hard to help teachers continue to improve their teaching and depth of knowledge tasking.  Each coach has been assigned to work with teachers to be of support and help as they need it.

Close Reading
Has been a focus since last year and continues to be this year.  The teachers have received training and are continuing to be supported as they get better at using close reading in their classrooms.

DOK –Faculty meeting by Annette Brinkman
Annette Brinkman will be coming to do observations on Thursday about the depth of knowledge levels in each classroom.  The purpose is to help teachers become better at doing this for the benefit of the students.

Teacher plans
Teachers are continuing to work on math planning as well as literacy planning, they have been allowing 15 hours outside of school to work as teams on improving their planning.

Baggie Books
The school needs volunteers to help with baggie books daily.  A PeachJar flyer was sent out to inform parents of this need.

Next meeting was verified to be scheduled for December 8, 2015 at 3:15 at the library. All are welcomed to attend.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Community Council Meeting
November 10, 2015
Q and A with Community Council members about the progress of the school plans


Our next community council meeting will be held on November 10th at 3:15 p.m. in the library. Community council meetings are open to the public.

Community Council Notes for the meeting held October 13, 2015

Members attending:                                                                      Members Absent:
Jennifer Madsen                                                                              Michael London
Kelly Esparza                                                                                   Venishia Corbin
Ana Hansen
Mark Johnson
Julie Taylor
Alisa Baron
Brooke Sepulveda

Overview of the duties and responsibilities of all community council.  Members were reminded that duties and responsibility information could be found on the Community Council website.  It was reviewed that the parents are the ones who must have input regarding the agenda and that the agenda is created by the chair of the council.
Funding was discussed including Title 1.  The school improvement plan was discussed as well as how the budget is set up for this year.
Alisa Baron asked about math tasking and how that is conducted.  Clarification was given my Mr. Johnson as well as Mrs. Esparza.
There were questions regarding the amount of funding available compared to last year.  It was explained that there is less funding and this year there is no carry over from the previous year. 
The budget money is being used to support reading groups.  The groups, set up, functioning and adjustment was explained by Mrs. Esparza who teaches first grade. 
It was mentioned that reading aides are receiving follow up training to include skills on how to increase engagement.
It was mentioned that the district has created a new curriculum to help students in kinder to be prepared in phonics.
Close reading was mentioned as a tool being used to increase comprehension at every level.
Although the literacy aides work only with k-3 grade, the older grades are creating their own literacy groups based on skills and needs of the students.
Depth of Knowledge and tasking are being used as a way to increase the effectiveness of instruction in math and literacy.
The Community Council members were invited to visit the school during reading group time so they could see how they are functioning.
Parents shared concerns regarding lack of knowledge about how groups are created and about the perceived unclear communication between teachers and parents.  Possible solutions were mentioned such as posting skills used for reading groups. 
Ideas such as newsletters were also mentioned to keep parents informed and more up to date regarding what is happening at the school in the area of curriculum.
The next meeting was scheduled for November 10th at 3:15 in the library.

Draft minutes for the meeting held September 16, 2015

Community Council Meeting Agenda
October 13, 2015

School Needs Assessment/Improvement Plan
Land Trust Plan
Report on Reading Groups

Community Council Notes for the meeting held in September 16, 2015

Community Council Members for 2015-2016
Name                                                 Title                                        e-mail
Jennifer Madsen                                        Parent/chair         
Julie Taylor                                               Parent/vice chair  
Brooke Sepulveda                                     Parent Member
Venishia Corbin                                        Parent member     
Alisa Baron                                               Parent Member    
Michael London                                       Parent Member     
Mark Johnson                                           Principal/secretary
Ana Hansen                                              Teacher                
Kelly Esparza                                           Teacher                

Those in attendance were: Jennifer Madsen, Julie Taylor, Venishia Corbin, Alisa Baron, Mark Johnson, Ana Hansen, Kelly Esparza

Those absent were: Brooke Sepulveda and Michael London

The focus of the meeting was to update everyone attending on the 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan (SIP)

One of the members had questions about what depth of knowledge is, those questions were answer by one of the representatives from the school. 

It was mentioned that depth of knowledge along with our math curriculum map is one of the focuses for this year and that both are being incorporated into every area of teaching.

The math curriculum which is being created in each grade level was also discussed.

The implementation of reading groups for k-3 was explained and the reasons and background of the group organization was also mentioned. 

As part of the SIP, the faculty will receive Close Reading training during the year including a training coming up on the 23rd of this month and the facilitator is from the State Office will be conducting those trainings. 

Saxon Phonics will be used in grades k-2 to aide in teaching language arts.

A committee member asked about SAGE and the difference from the previous summative assessment, it was discussed that depth of knowledge and broader range of involvement questions are part of the new adaptive test given at the end of the year.

It was agreed by the attending members that meetings would be held the second Tuesday of each month at 3:15 p.m. 

The next meeting was scheduled for October 13th at 3:15 in the library.

Community Council Schedule 2015-2016

The 2015-2016 Community Council meetings for Lake View Elementary will be held at 3:15 p.m. in the library on the following dates:

October 13, 2015 
November 10, 2015
December 8, 2015
January 12, 2016
February 9, 2016
March 8, 2016
April 12, 2016

May 10, 2016

School Land Trust Plan 2015-2016 Lake View Elementary

Goal #1
Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 80% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.

Academic Areas
  • Reading

We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. Once on September 15 and 16, 2015. The second administration will be January 19 and 20, 2015. The third and final DIBELS assessment will be on May 9 and 10, 2016. The assessments on May 9 and 10 will be the final assessment of the school year and will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.

Action Plan Steps
Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and so far we have seen very positive results. For the 2015-2016 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year. These groups will be different from the traditional guided reading groups which the district has been conducting for several years. To follow is a summary of the groups:
 1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of the PAA and QPS assessments. 2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes. 
3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time. 
4. Aides and teachers as a team will conduct the groups. 
5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow to make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.
 6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate. 
7. Assessments will be completed regularly to monitor this progress. 
8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time. 
9. The instructional day half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students. 
10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. 
Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning.

Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale. Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:
1. Kindergarten testing, Aug 31-Sept 3 The PAA test will be administered to all incoming kindergarteners 
2. 1-3 testing, Sept 3-14 QPS administered to all 1-3 grade students 
3. Professional Development for aides 3-Sep Training on intervention groups using QPS data 
4. Professional Development for aides, 9-Sep Training on Reading Mastery or other direct instruction program as selected and in harmony with district literacy plan 5. DIBELS testing for all grades, September 15 and 16 
6. Form groups using PAA, QPS and DIBELS data, Sept 17-18 Literacy coach, principal, teachers and aides will team to create these groups. Last minute PD to be provided as necessary. 
7. Groups begin 21-Sep
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
We will pay the salaries of a portion of the aides necessary to implement this plan. We will also use title I money to pay the salaries of other aides who will also be involved in implementing this plan. Based on the estimated Land Trust funding for 2015-2016, we will pay for 5 instructional aides. 3 aides to work 163 days per year and 3.75 hours per day. Also, 2 aides to work 163 days per year and 2.5 hours per day.

Summary of Estimated Expenditures
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
Funding Estimates
Estimated Carry-over from the 2014-2015 Progress Report
Estimated Distribution in 2015-2016
Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2015-2016
Summary of Estimated Expenditures For 2015-2016
Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2016-2017:
Increased Distribution
The 2015-2016 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?
We will either hire an additional aide or aides, or we will use the money to purchase additional instructional materials in support of our reading plan.


  • Letters to policy makers and/or administrators of trust lands and trust funds.
  • School newsletter
  • School website

Duties and Responsibilities of the Community Council
The community council is made up of both parents and school employees.  The council must have two more parent members than it does employees.  The council meets regularly and serves as a liaison between all parents and school employees.  Council members are happy to speak with you if you have questions or concerns.  Parents who are interested in serving on the council in the future are invited to contact the principal or a member of the council to find out more about it.  Elections to determine parent members are held each fall.  The council also contributes to the annual school improvement plan that is implemented by school faculty.    The community council also creates the annual land trust plan.  The land trust plan determines how our school land trust money will be spent. Members will also have input towards the school improvement plan. 

Robert's Rules of Order - Summary Version
For Fair and Orderly Meetings & Conventions
Provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole membership on the same footing and speaking the same language. The conduct of ALL business is controlled by the general will of the whole membership - the right of the deliberate majority to decide. Complementary is the right of at least a strong minority to require the majority to be deliberate - to act according to its considered judgment AFTER a full and fair "working through" of the issues involved. Robert's Rules provides for constructive and democratic meetings, to help, not hinder, the business of the assembly. Under no circumstances should "undue strictness" be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation. 

The fundamental right of deliberative assemblies require all questions to be thoroughly discussed before taking action!
The assembly rules - they have the final say on everything! Silence means consent! 

  • Obtain the floor (the right to speak) by being the first to stand when the person speaking has finished; state Mr./Madam Chairman. Raising your hand means nothing, and standing while another has the floor is out of order! Must be recognized by the Chair before speaking!
  • Debate can not begin until the Chair has stated the motion or resolution and asked "are you ready for the question?" If no one rises, the chair calls for the vote.
  • Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.
  • The "immediately pending question" is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution - Amendment - Motion to Postpone
  • The member moving the "immediately pending question" is entitled to preference to the floor!
  • No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once!
  • All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment - avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives!
  •  The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!

The Rules
  • Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. - may interrupt only if necessary!
  • Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion - to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of order
  •  Point of Information: Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: "I should like to ask the (speaker) a question."
  • Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)
  •  Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made
  •  Main Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly
  •  Divide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)
  • Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble can not be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.
  • Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions
  • Withdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor
  • Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).
  • Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of time
  • Limit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of time
  • Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed
  • Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated
  • Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending
  • Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table
  • Reconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view
  • Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session - exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session
  • Previous Question: Closes debate if successful - may be moved to "Close Debate" if preferred
  • Informal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into "Committee of the Whole" - informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.
  •  Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide - must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business
  • Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly's own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified.
© 1997 Beverly Kennedy 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Community Council Invitation
The CC members serve as parent representatives to the school.  Members help the school to decide on how to spend Land Trust money. They also help the staff make decisions regarding school activities and academics.  You could even help with the yearbook.To be a member of the community council you must have a child attending Lake View.  You will need to let the principal know you are interested and then you will be listed as a candidate.  The school will hold an election in a few weeks on September 14th, 2015.Only parents are allowed to vote on the candidates.
If you are interested, please call or e-mail right away!  We hope to hear from you soon, call us at 435 734-4922 you may also email at

Invitación para participar en el Consejo de la Comunidad de Lake View     
Los miembros del CC sirven como representantes de los padres de la escuela.  Los miembros ayudan a decidir cómo usar el dinero de Land Trust.  Ellos también ayudan al personal de la escuela a tomar decisiones relacionadas con las actividades y mejora académica de la escuela.  Usted también puede ayudar con el libro anual de la escuela.Para ser miembro del Consejo de la Comunidad, usted debe tener un niño que es estudiante de la escuela Lake View.  Usted necesita informarle al Director de la escuela que está interesado en participar en el consejo y luego será incluido como candidato.  La escuela llevará a cabo una elección en las próximas semanas, el 14 de Septiembre.
Solo los padres pueden votar por los candidatos.Si usted está interesado, por favor llame o envíe un correo electrónico inmediatamente.  Esperamos escuchar de usted muy pronto, llamenos al 435 734-4922, usted también puede enviar un correo electrónico a

Land trust budget for 2015-2016 is $35,812

Community Council 2014-2015

Notes from meeting held April 23, 2015

Agenda for the meeting scheduled for April 16th, 2015

Notes from the meeting held on Thursday March 12th, 2015

Agenda for the meeting scheduled for March 12, 2015

Notes from the meeting scheduled for February 17th, 2015

Agenda for February 17th, 2015

Notes from the meeting held on Thursday January 8, 2015

Agenda for January 8th, 2015

Notes from the meeting held on Wednesday December 3,2014

Agenda for December 3, 2014

Notes from the meeting held on November 5, 2014

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

October 1, 2014 Meeting Notes

Community Council Members 2014-2015

2014-2015 School Parent Contact

2014-2015 Parent Involvement

Title I Parent Summary

Welcome to the Community Council page, where you will find updated links with information about what is happening in the council, contact information for the members, agendas and minutes for previous meetings, and any other pertinent documents. 

September 25, 2014

Hello everybody, we have a community council meeting scheduled for October 1, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. Anyone who wishes may attend but only members of the council may vote.  Below you will find the agenda.

Community Council Meeting                10/1/2014
Parent Members:                            Staff Members:
Brooke Sepulveda                           Mark Johnson
Carrie Ann Johnson                         Gloria Dabb
Michael London                               Trudy Mair
Michelle Gerlach
Jennifer Madsen

Council roles: chair, vice chair and secretary
Meeting schedule
Names and contact information of members
Review the Land Trust Plan for 2014-2015
Land Trust Video
Parent Involvement Policy

Parent/School Compact

Land Trust Plan 2014-2015
Goal #1
To have 85% of all students in grades 2-5 be at grade level in math by the end of the school year.
Academic Areas
  • Mathematics
This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.
  We will assess students at least weekly using common formative assessments.  Each grade level in our school has been organized into a Professional Learning Community.  One of the functions of the PLC is to create these assessments and administer the same assessment to every student at the grade level.  The results of the assessment will give us ongoing feedback about the performance of all students.  We will provide interventions/re-teaching to students who need additional instruction and assistance. Lake View teachers have created an essential learnings document for each grade level. This document identifies the most critical things for students to learn and master at each grade level.  Teachers will use these standards to guide instruction and to create formative assessments to check for student understanding. The math aides as well as the teachers will have greater focus on what to teach students by following and using these standards as their guide.      For formal assessment, we will use the SMI.  The SMI is a computer based, adaptive assessment system.  It will be administered to all students in grades 2-5.  It is administered at the beginning of the year, then again mid-year and finally at the end of the year. 
Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.
Action Plan Steps
This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.
We will be paying the wages of 3 math aides.  These math aides will be an integral part of providing effective instruction to our students and providing the interventions necessary for our students to learn.  The math aides will serve grades 3-5.  The aides work in one grade at a time.  Intervention groups are small groups and are conducted by the entire grade at once.  All teachers and all 3 aides work collaboratively to place students in the appropriate group and provide them with the re-teaching they need. The cost for these aides will be approximately $6,160.00 each.  We will pay the wages of an Americorps Employee.  Americorps has created a new position.  The job title is: Mentoring For Success.  This person will work 3.5 hours per day, 5 days per week.  They are assigned approximately 35 students who are considered to be at-risk of academic failure.  They provide academic support to these students, with the focus being one on one tutoring to these students in math.  They also provide after school tutoring and homework help for these students. This will cost us $3,500.    At the cost of approximately $1,000.00, we will provide professional development for the teachers.  The PD will be provided by our math coach..  The focus of the PD will be math tasking.  The math coach will be showing the teachers how to incorporate more real world, hands on activities into their math instruction and lessons.  This will extend the learning of our students and allow them to go deeper.  It will also make math more fun.  The other advantage to this is that it will help our teachers to become more skilled at providing extension activities during our normal interventions.  For example, 5th grade has been really good this year at doing a math formative assessment, seeing how all of the students do, and then dividing the students into groups.  One group is the students who showed mastery of the skill or concept.  Another group is those who really struggled, and so on.  This professional development would help teachers to be better at providing meaningful extension/enrichment activities to those advanced groups.  
Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.
Estimated Cost
Actual Cost
Actual Use
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
We will pay the wages for three math aides.  Each of them will work 13.75 hours per week for 178 days in the school year.  The total to pay for each of them is $6,160.  We will also pay the wages of the Mentoring For Success Americorps employee.  This is a cost of $3,500. 

Goal #2
Our goal is to reach the DIBELS proficiency goal that will be set for us by the district.  Unfortunately, I do not have that goal or expectation at this time.  I can only assume that it will be similar to the goal we had this year.
Academic Areas
  • Reading
This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.
DIBELS scores and progress monitoring.  Our focus will be to have all students making progress throughout the year as measured by their regular DIBELS progress monitoring conducted by staff members here at the school, as well as their formal DIBELS testing which is conducted three times per year by the district assessment team. Students that are categorized as strategic or intensive will receive intervention services.  Through progress monitoring, we will determine if the intervention is effective.  If not, a new intervention will be implemented.
Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.
Action Plan Steps
This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.
We will pay the wages of one reading aide.  The reading aide will work with small groups of students who are placed together according to reading level.  The aide will be trained and supervised by our literacy coach.  Students in the groups will read books that have been carefully chosen according to lexile level and will be appropriate for the academic level of the student.  The aide will provide focused instruction based on the needs of the students and their level of readiness. This aide will cost a total of approximately $5,986.00.  We will also pay the wages of an instructional aide to work with 4th and 5th grade students who are below grade level in reading.  This aide will focus on basic skills such as phonics and fluency.  She will be trained and supervised by the literacy coach.  This aide will have roughly the same schedule as the reading aide listed and should be roughly the same expense.  We anticipate paying this instructional aide will cost us roughly $5,986.00.  Another instructional aide will be hired to work with first grade students.  This aide will pull students out from each of the 4 first grade classes and work on reading/language arts skills per the direction of the first grade team leader and teachers.  The expense for this aide will also be $5,986.00. 

In January of 2015, the community council chose to amend our plan.  To follow is an explanation of the amendment:

Lake View Elementary Land Trust Plan Amendment January 2015 Lake View Elementary is requesting an amendment to its 2014-2015 Land Trust plan. The Lake View community council voted on this amendment on 1/8/15 and the vote was unanimous. The vote would affect the areas highlighted in yellow on the attached land trust plan. We would like to change the duties of a few of the aides listed in the plan. We would also like to make adjustments to some of their hours. We would also request a change to how carry-over and extra allotment money will be used. Currently, the plan states that carry-over and allotment money that is greater than anticipated would go towards the purchase of technology items to support our goals. We would like to change that to read: Additional funds and carry-over funds will be used to support the Lake View Reading plan for the 2014-2015 school year. Approximately $6,282 will be used to extend the hours of 8 existing part-time employees. The remaining $7,978 would be used to finance professional development, the purchase of instructional materials or the hiring of additional staff in order to implement our new reading plan. The two aide positions that are highlighted in yellow will be changed to the following: These two instructional aides will take small groups in grades K-3. They will provide guided reading and targeted instruction per the attached reading plan. The existing land trust plan for 2014-2015 is attached at the end of this document. The Lake View reading plan follows immediately. This reading plan has been developed by: teachers, literacy coaches, the special education teacher and reading aides at Lake View. Lake View Reading Proposal It is proposed that we create a new reading focus at Lake View Elementary. The reading plan would incorporate guided reading into a small group targeted instruction model for grades K-3. This plan would call for a new guided reading schedule. Afternoon guided reading groups for grades 1-3 will be cancelled. Grades 1-3 will have 45 minute small group targeted instruction sessions in the morning. The proposed schedule is as follows: K-AM 8:15-8:35 3 teachers and 13 aides available for 16 total groups to serve 60 students 2 8:40-9:25 4 teachers and 12 aides available for 16 groups to serve 90 students 1 9:30-10:15 4 teachers and 14 aides available for 18 groups to serve 108 students 3 10:20-11:05 4 teachers and 12 aides available for 16 groups to serve 90 students K-PM group 1 1:00-1:20 group 2 1:25-1:45 3 teachers, 1 sped teacher and 5 aides available (ELL, Melissa, Aimee, Sharon and Nini.) 9 groups total to serve 40 students in each session. (Full day class to part. in both sessions.) On Wednesdays, the full day class will not participate in afternoon sessions. The PM classes will participate in two sessions. They will be at 11:45-12:05 and 12:10-12:30. The ELL aides and full day kinder aides are not available on Wednesdays, but the two teachers, sped, Nini, Aimee and Sharon are available for a total of 6 groups. (First grade and third grade will start lunch 5 minutes later than at present) The following personnel will change their schedules/duties to accommodate the new model: Carolina Rex Maintain current schedule. Coordinate with Christie to provide 1 group for each grade level in the morning. Also provide instruction during each PM kindergarten group in the afternoon every day except Wednesday. Christie Legua Maintain current schedule. Coordinate with Carolina to provide 1 group for each grade level in the morning. Also provide instruction during each PM kindergarten group in the afternoon every day except Wednesday. Nini Anderson No change in schedule. Nini will take kindergarten groups from 1:00-1:45. She will be available for 4-5 grade reading intervention for the remainder of her time. Karen Weight Take a group for one grade in the morning. (Preferably first grade if possible) Marilee Burgon Maintain schedule and work three additional hours on Wednesday Lori Anderson Maintain schedule and work three additional hours on Wednesday Vicki Sleeman Shift her current schedule to the morning and also add three hours to Wednesday. Duties to remain the same. Staci Bishop Shift to reading groups from math groups and maintain current schedule with the addition of 30 minutes per day. Kristi Edgington Shift to reading groups from math groups and maintain current schedule with the addition of 30 minutes per day Cindy Romney Shift to K-3 reading groups from current first grade aide position and add 3 hours to Wednesday from 8:05-11:05 Brenda Everton Shift to K-3 reading groups from 4-5 grade reading aide. Add three hours to her schedule on Friday. Kelly Knudsen Shift to K-3 reading groups from first grade aide and add three hours to her schedule on Wednesday Kim Howard Provide K-3 reading groups in the morning each day that include special ed. Students. Schedule would change so that bulk of her hours are in the morning, 8:05-11:05, M-F. Additional hours may be placed as needed. Aimee Wells No change in duties. Switch schedule to M-F, 8:05-11:05 and 11:40-1:40. Aimee will take kindergarten groups from 1:00-1:45. She will be available for 4-5 grade intervention. Sharon Potter No change in duties. Switch schedule to M-F, 8:05-11:05 and 11:40-1:40. Sharon will take kindergarten groups from 1:00-1:45. She will then be available for 4-5 grade intervention. Jan Holmgren Take one group each day during the first grade time slot. No change in hours. Morning check out for some classes may need to be re-scheduled. Melissa Brown No change in schedule. Melissa will support kindergarten by taking a kindergarten group in both the morning and afternoon time slot. Aides will keep the same students for the duration of their group time. This will cut down on wasted time for transitions. 20 minutes will be spent on guided reading, 25 minutes will be used for targeted skill instruction at the group?s level. Time line for implementation: January 26-27 DIBELS testing for all grades January 28 DIBELS data examination. All students who are below benchmark will scheduled for a follow-up assessment to determine their specific needs/deficit. January 29-February 6 Assessment of students below benchmark. Training for aides and teachers. Students assigned to groups. February 9 New groups begin Resources Available Lake View has Land Trust money available to cover the expense of extending the schedule for several aides. We currently have $14,260 available in land trust money. To increase the hours of 8 of our existing aides so that each of them can work 15 hours per week throughout the duration of this plan will cost us $6,282. This leaves us with $7,978.00. Using this money, we have the flexibility of hiring additional aides, purchasing needed materials and /or providing additional training as needed.

2013-2014 Community Council Notes:

September 2013

November 2013
February 2014
March 2014

Refer back to this page often to see upcoming agendas, minutes from previous meetings, and future meeting dates. Anyone interested is welcome to attend Community Council Meetings

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