Title I

Title I At Lake View Elementary 2017-2018
To Follow Are A Series Of Documents That Can Be Found On Our Web-Site. They All Pertain To The Federal Title I Program And Its Application At Lake View. If You Any Questions About Any Of The Following Information, Please Feel Free To Give Us A Call.
Mr. Johnson

Lake View Elementary Title I School Program Summary 2017-2018
What Is Title I?  Title I Is A Federal Program That Provides Funding For Some Public Schools.  The Number Of Students In A School Receiving Free And Reduced Lunch Is Used To Determine Which Schools Receive Title I Funds.  Currently There Are 6 Elementary Schools In Box Elder School District That Receive This Assistance.  This Funding Is In Addition To The Regular Funds Provided To All Public Schools.
How Much Funding Did We Receive?
$  8,667 To Be Used For Professional Development.
$44,509 In The Restricted Personnel Budget
$54,232 In Discretionary Funds
$  1,750 For Parental Involvement
 What Does It Pay For? 
The Restricted Personnel Budget Is Earmarked For A Specific Purpose.  It Pays For The Salary And Benefits Of two employees:
·         Full-Day Kindergarten Teacher
·         Full-Day Kindergarten Aide
The Professional Development Portion Of The Budget Is Being Used For The Following:
·         Ongoing Training For Our Math Aides With The Math Coach
·         Ongoing Professional Development For Several Reading Aides Employed At The School
·         Substitutes To Allow Our Teachers To Visit Other Classrooms And Observe Targeted Practices
·         Professional Development For Our Instructional Coaches
·         Behavior Management PD For All Instructional Aides
The Discretionary Budget Is Being Used To Pay The Wages Of The Following Instructional Aide Positions:
·         Three Math Aides Who Work With Grades 1-5
·         Five Reading Aides To Work With Grades K-5 In A Small Group Setting·      
What Is The Purpose Of Title I?   Title I Is Meant To Give Qualifying Schools Extra Help/Additional Resources So That Their Students Will Learn And Achieve More.
Are There Special Requirements Of The School?   Only Research Based Teaching Methods Are Used In Title I Schools.  Title I Schools And Their School Districts Are Held Accountable For The Use Of The Title I Money.  Audits Are Conducted Regularly And Regular Reports Are Made.  All Teachers At A Title I School Must Be Highly Qualified (HQ).  This Means They Have A Degree In Teaching, A Teaching License And They Must Also Pass A Rigorous Test.  Paraprofessionals Or Aides Employed At A Title I School Are Also Required To Be Highly Qualified.  To Be HQ They Must Have At Least Two Years Of College Or Pass A Rigorous Test In The Area In Which They Intend To Work.

Lake View Elementary 
Parent-School Compact

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
I Want My Child To Achieve Therefore I Will:
Make Certain My Child Attends School Regularly And On Time.
See That My Child Is Well-Rested And Has Breakfast Each Day.
Set Aside A Specific Time And Place For Homework, Assisting As Necessary.
Attend At Least Two Conferences And Communicate Regularly With My Child’s Teacher To Ensure His/Her Academic Success.
Support The School And Staff In Maintaining Proper Discipline.
Read With My Child And Let Him/Her See Me Read Regularly.
Encourage Positive Attitudes Toward School.
Volunteer In My Child’s Classroom As Appropriate.
Review Information And Work Sent Home And Respond As Necessary.

Student Responsibilities
It Is Important That I Learn, Therefore I Will:
Attend School Regularly And On Time.
Complete Assignments And Homework.
Bring Homework And Supplies To School Each Day.
Work To The Best Of My Ability.
Work Cooperatively With Classmates, Teachers And Staff.
Respect Myself, Other People, And My School.
Follow All School Rules.
Accept Responsibility For My Own Actions.

Teacher Responsibilities
It Is Important That My Student Achieve, Therefore I Will:
Hold Expectations High For All Students, Believing That All Students Can Learn.
Provide High-Quality Instruction In A Supportive And Non-Threatening Environment.
Provide Meaningful Homework.
Communicate Regularly With My Students And Their Families Through Conferences, Notes, Phone Calls, Etc.
Provide Opportunities For Parents To Assist In The Classroom In Meaningful Ways And To Observe Classroom Activities.

Principal Responsibilities
I Support This Agreement, Therefore I Will:
Provide An Equitable Learning Environment For All Children.
Encourage The Staff To Provide Parents With Information About The Total School Program.
Encourage Our Staff To Provide Avenues For Positive And Meaningful Parent Involvement.
Assure That Teachers Have Access To Quality Professional Development And Improvement Measures
Place Student Safety And Learning Above All Else.

Lake View Elementary Parent Involvement Policy
At Lake View Elementary, We Believe That The Ongoing Involvement Of Parents Is Very Important To The Success Of Our Students.  To Meet The Title I Schools Requirements, Our School Must Create And Support A Strong Parent-School Partnership. In Order To Receive Title I Funding For Our School, Programs That Support Parental Involvement Must Be In Place And Implemented.  As A Title I School, We Encourage Parent Volunteerism And Plan Meaningful Activities In Which Parents And Families May Participate.
Annually, Lake View Elementary Will Convene A Title I Orientation Meeting.  All Parents Will Be Invited And Encouraged To Attend. The Purpose Of The Meeting Will Be To Inform Parents Of The School’s Participation Under Title I And To Explain Title I Requirements.  School Administration Will Also Inform Parents Regarding The Curriculum Used In The School, The Forms Of Assessment Used To Measure Student Progress, And The Proficiency Levels Students Are Expected To Meet.
The School Community Council Has The Ongoing Responsibility Of The Construction And Revision Of This Policy As Well As The School-Parent Compacts.  The Community Council Meets Monthly Here In The School Library.  Lake View Elementary Will Provide Parents With Timely And Pertinent Information Regarding Parent Involvement, Their Child’s Achievement And The School’s Performance.
This Will Include, But Is Not Limited To, The Following:
·         Yearly Title I Informational Meeting
·         School Performance Records And Proficiency Level Expectations Distributed Each School Year Through UPASS And Summative Test Results
·         Written Communication From Teacher, Including:
Student Performance Data Available Through Pinnacle
  Mid-Term Progress Reports
Regular Report Cards
 Formal Standardized Test Scores Reports
Monitored Progress On Student Reading Achievement Using The DIBELS Assessment
·         Oral Communication From Teacher, Including:
Conference Opportunities (At Least Two Opportunities Per Year)
Interaction At After-School Functions
·         PTA Meetings
·         Newsletters
·         Posting Upcoming Events On The School Marquee
·         Timely Responses To Parent Suggestions Through Telephone Calls, Notes And Conferences
Ongoing Various School Activities At All Grade Levels Will Provide Opportunities For Parents To Participate In School Related Activities Throughout The Year.
A School-Parent Compact Has Been Created.  This Compact Will Outline How Parents, The School Staff, And Students Will Share The Responsibility For Improved Students’ Academic Achievement And The Means By Which The School And Parents Will Build A Partnership To Help Students Achieve The State’s Standards. The Contract Shall Address The Importance Of Communication Between Teachers And Parents On An Ongoing Basis. The Compact Will Be Distributed To All Parents Through The Lake View Elementary Handbook, And Will Be Sent Home With Each Student. Translations In Other Languages Will Be Available As Needed And To The Extent Possible.

Parents' Bill Of Rights
Dear Parent Or Guardian:
Our District Is Required To Inform You Of Certain Information That You, According To The No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), Have The Right To Know. Upon Your Request, Our District Is Required To Provide To You In A Timely Manner, The Following Information:
• Whether The Teacher Has Met State Qualification And Licensing Criteria For The Grade Levels And Subject Areas In Which The Teacher Provides Instruction.
• Whether The Teacher Is Teaching Under Emergency Or Other Provisional Status Through Which State Qualification Or Licensing Criteria Have Been Waived.
• Whether Your Child Is Provided Services By Paraprofessionals And, If So, Their Qualifications.
• What Baccalaureate Degree Major The Teacher Has And Any Other Graduate Certification Or Degree Held By The Teacher, And The Field Of Discipline Of The Certification.
In Addition To The Information That Parents May Request, Districts Must Provide To Each Individual Parent
• Information On The Achievement Level Of The Parent’s Child In Each Of The State Academic Assessments As Required Under This Part; And
• Timely Notice That The Parent’s Child Has Been Assigned, Or Has Been Taught For Four Or More Consecutive Weeks By, A Teacher Who Is Not Highly Qualified.
All Teachers At Lake View Elementary School Are Highly Qualified. All Instructional Aides Employed At Lake View Are Also Highly Qualified.

What Is Title I?
Title I Is A Federal Education Program Under The No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001.
Title I Includes Four Major Parts:
·         Part A: Improving The Academic Achievement Of The Disadvantaged
·         Part B: Even Start Family Literacy
·         Part C: Migrant Education
·         Part D: Services For Neglected Or Delinquent Children & Youth

What Are The Goals Of Title I?
·         Help Students To Achieve Academic Success In Reading/Language Arts And Mathematics;
·         Increase Student Performance In High Poverty Schools Through School-Wide Reform;
·         Build Teacher Capacity Through Quality Professional Development;
·         Enhance Parents' Abilities To Help Their Children Succeed Through Quality Parental Involvement Activities.

Parents Of Children That Attend A Title One School Have The Right To Request The Credentials For Their Child’s Teacher. If You Would Like This Information Please Contact The Principal At Your Child’s School.

Title I at Lake View Elementary 2016-2017
To follow are a series of documents that can be found on our web-site. They all pertain to the federal Title I program and its application at lake view. If you any questions about any of the following information, please feel free to give us a call.
Mr. Johnson

Lake View Elementary Title I school program summary 2016-2017
What is Title I?  Title I is a federal program that provides funding for some public schools.  The number of students in a school receiving free and reduced lunch is used to determine which schools receive Title I funds.  Currently there are 6 elementary schools in box elder school district that receive this assistance.  This funding is in addition to the regular funds provided to all public schools.
How much funding did we receive?
$10,200 to be used for professional development.
$63,294 in the restricted personnel budget
$68,756 is discretionary funds
$  2,034 for parental involvement
 what does it pay for? 
The restricted personnel budget is earmarked for a specific purpose.  It pays for the salary and benefits of three employees:
·         lead literacy paraprofessional
·         full-day kindergarten teacher
·         full-day kindergarten aide
The professional development portion of the budget is being used for the following:
·         ongoing training for our math aides with the math coach
·         ongoing professional development for several reading aides employed at the school
·         substitutes to allow our teachers to visit other classrooms and observe targeted practices
·         professional development for our instructional coaches
·         behavior management PD for all instructional aides
The discretionary budget is being used to pay the wages of the following instructional aide positions:
·         three math aides who work with grades 1-5
·         five reading aides to work with grades k-5 in a small group setting
·         the purchase of 30 mp3 players for use with reading, 60 student computer headphones, 20 computer mice, 12 smartboard projector bulbs and three complete sets of the reading mastery literacy program
What is the purpose of Title I?   Title I is meant to give qualifying schools extra help/additional resources so that their students will learn and achieve more.
Are there special requirements of the school?   Only research based teaching methods are used in Title I schools.  Title I schools and their school districts are held accountable for the use of the Title I money.  Audits are conducted regularly and regular reports are made.  All teachers at a Title I school must be highly qualified (HQ).  This means they have a degree in teaching, a teaching license and they must also pass a rigorous test.  Paraprofessionals or aides employed at a Title I school are also required to be highly qualified.  To be HQ they must have at least two years of college or pass a rigorous test in the area in which they intend to work.

Lake view elementary 
parent-school compact

Parent/guardian responsibilities
I want my child to achieve therefore I will:
Make certain my child attends school regularly and on time.
See that my child is well-rested and has breakfast each day.
Set aside a specific time and place for homework, assisting as necessary.
Attend at least two conferences and communicate regularly with my child’s teacher to ensure his/her academic success.
Support the school and staff in maintaining proper discipline.
Read with my child and let him/her see me read regularly.
Encourage positive attitudes toward school.
Volunteer in my child’s classroom as appropriate.
Review information and work sent home and respond as necessary.

Student responsibilities
It is important that i learn, therefore I will:
Attend school regularly and on time.
Complete assignments and homework.
Bring homework and supplies to school each day.
Work to the best of my ability.
Work cooperatively with classmates, teachers and staff.
Respect myself, other people, and my school.
Follow all school rules.
Accept responsibility for my own actions.

Teacher responsibilities
It is important that my student achieve, therefore I will:
Hold expectations high for all students, believing that all students can learn.
Provide high-quality instruction in a supportive and non-threatening environment.
Provide meaningful homework.
Communicate regularly with my students and their families through conferences, notes, phone calls, etc.
Provide opportunities for parents to assist in the classroom in meaningful ways and to observe classroom activities.

Principal responsibilities
I support this agreement, therefore I will:
Provide an equitable learning environment for all children.
Encourage the staff to provide parents with information about the total school program.
Encourage our staff to provide avenues for positive and meaningful parent involvement.
Assure that teachers have access to quality professional development and improvement measures
Place student safety and learning above all else.

Lake view elementary parent involvement policy
At Lake View elementary, we believe that the ongoing involvement of parents is very important to the success of our students.  To meet the Title I schools requirements, our school must create and support a strong parent-school partnership. In order to receive Title I funding for our school, programs that support parental involvement must be in place and implemented.  As a Title I school, we encourage parent volunteerism and plan meaningful activities in which parents and families may participate.
Annually, Lake View Elementary will convene a Title I orientation meeting.  All parents will be invited and encouraged to attend. The purpose of the meeting will be to inform parents of the school’s participation under Title I and to explain Title I requirements.  School administration will also inform parents regarding the curriculum used in the school, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
The school community council has the ongoing responsibility of the construction and revision of this policy as well as the school-parent compacts.  The community council meets monthly here in the school library.  Lake view elementary will provide parents with timely and pertinent information regarding parent involvement, their child’s achievement and the school’s performance.
This will include, but is not limited to, the following:
·         yearly Title I informational meeting
·         school performance records and proficiency level expectations distributed each school year through UPASS and summative test results
·         written communication from teacher, including:
Student performance data available through pinnacle
  Mid-term progress reports
Regular report cards
 Formal standardized test scores reports
Monitored progress on student reading achievement using the DIBELS assessment
·         oral communication from teacher, including:
Conference opportunities (at least two opportunities per year)
Interaction at after-school functions
·         PTA meetings
·         newsletters
·         posting upcoming events on the school marquee
·         timely responses to parent suggestions through telephone calls, notes and conferences
Ongoing various school activities at all grade levels will provide opportunities for parents to participate in school related activities throughout the year.
A school-parent compact has been created.  This compact will outline how parents, the school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved students’ academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build a partnership to help students achieve the state’s standards. The contract shall address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis. The compact will be distributed to all parents through the lake view elementary handbook, and will be sent home with each student. Translations in other languages will be available as needed and to the extent possible.

Parents' bill of rights
Dear parent or guardian:
Our district is required to inform you of certain information that you, according to the no child left behind act of 2001 (public law 107-110), have the right to know. Upon your request, our district is required to provide to you in a timely manner, the following information:
• whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
• whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
• whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
• what baccalaureate degree major the teacher has and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification.
In addition to the information that parents may request, districts must provide to each individual parent
• information on the achievement level of the parent’s child in each of the state academic assessments as required under this part; and
• timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified.
All teachers at lake view elementary school are highly qualified. All instructional aides employed at lake view are also highly qualified.

What is Title I?
Title I is a federal education program under the no child left behind act of 2001.
Title I includes four major parts:
·         Part a: improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged
·         Part b: even start family literacy
·         Part c: migrant education
·         Part d: services for neglected or delinquent children & youth

What are the goals of Title I?
·         help students to achieve academic success in reading/language arts and mathematics;
·         increase student performance in high poverty schools through school-wide reform;
·         build teacher capacity through quality professional development;
·         enhance parents' abilities to help their children succeed through quality parental involvement activities.

Parents of children that attend a title one school have the right to request the credentials for their child’s teacher. If you would like this information please contact the principal at your child’s school.

Title I School Program Summary 2015-2016
Lake View Elementary is a Title I school
What is Title I? 
Title I is a federal program that provides funding for some public schools.  The number of students in a school receiving free and reduced lunch is used to determine which schools receive Title I funds.  Currently there are 6 elementary schools in Box Elder School District that receive this assistance.  This funding is in addition to the regular funds provided to all public schools.

How much funding did we receive?
For the 2015-2016 school year, Lake View received:
 $8,000 to be used for professional development.
$72,500 in the restricted personnel budget
$39,000 is discretionary funds.

 What does it pay for?  
The restricted personnel budget is earmarked for a specific purpose.  It pays for the salary and benefits of three employees:
·         Lead literacy paraprofessional
·         Full-day kindergarten teacher
·         Full-day kindergarten aide 

The professional development portion of the budget is being used for the following:
·         Ongoing training for our math aides with the math coach
·         Professional development for our two instructional coaches
·         Substitutes to allow our teachers to visit other classrooms and observe targeted practices
·         Development of a math curriculum map at each grade level
·         Behavior management PD for all instructional aides

The discretionary budget is being used to pay the wages of the following instructional aide positions:
·         Two math aides who work with grades 3-5
·         Three reading aides to work with grades K-3 in a small group setting
·         The purchase of 10 chrome books for 5th grade

What is the purpose of Title I?  
Title I is meant to give qualifying schools extra help/additional resources so that their students will learn and achieve more. 

Are there special requirements of the school? 
Only research based teaching methods are used in Title I schools.  Title I schools and their school districts are held accountable for the use of the Title I money.  Audits are conducted regularly and regular reports are made.  All teachers at a Title I school must be highly qualified.  This means they have a degree in teaching, a teaching license and they must also pass a rigorous test.  Paraprofessionals or aides employed at a Title I school are also required to be highly qualified.  To be HQ they must have at least two years of college or pass a rigorous test in the area in which they intend to work. 

Lake View Elementary
Parent-School Compact

            I want my child to achieve therefore I will:
Make certain my child attends school regularly and on time.
See that my child is well-rested and has breakfast each day.
Set aside a specific time and place for homework, assisting as necessary.
Attend at least two conferences and communicate regularly with my child’s 
teacher to ensure his/her academic success.
Support the school and staff in maintaining proper discipline.
Read with my child and let him/her see me read regularly.
Encourage positive attitudes toward school.
Volunteer in my child’s classroom as appropriate.
Review information and work sent home and respond as necessary.

      It is important that I learn, therefore I will:
Attend school regularly and on time.
Complete assignments and homework.
Bring homework and supplies to school each day.
Work to the best of my ability.
Work cooperatively with classmates, teachers and staff.
Respect myself, other people, and my school.
Follow all school rules.
Accept responsibility for my own actions.

            It is important that my student achieve, therefore I will:
Hold expectations high for all students, believing that all students can learn.
Provide high-quality instruction in a supportive and non-threatening environment.
Provide meaningful homework.
Communicate regularly with my students and their families through conferences, notes, phone calls, etc.
Provide opportunities for parents to assist in the classroom in meaningful ways and to observe classroom activities.

      I support this agreement, therefore I will:
Provide an equitable learning environment for all children.
Encourage the staff to provide parents with information about the total school program.
Encourage our staff to provide avenues for positive and meaningful parent involvement.
Assure that teachers have access to quality professional development and improvement measures
Place student safety and learning above all else.
(Parents and students; please sign and return to the teacher.  Thanks!)

Parent Name and Signature____________________________________________

Student Name and Signature___________________________________________

Teacher Name and Signature__________________________________________

Lake View Elementary Parent Involvement Policy

At Lake View Elementary, we believe that the ongoing involvement of parents is very important to the success of our students.  To meet the Title I Schools requirements, our school must create and support a strong parent-school partnership. In order to receive Title I funding for our school, programs that support parental involvement must be in place and implemented.  As a Title I school, we encourage parent volunteerism and plan meaningful activities in which parents and families may participate.

Annually, Lake View Elementary will convene a Title I orientation meeting.  All parents will be invited and encouraged to attend. The purpose of the meeting will be to inform parents of the school’s participation under Title I and to explain Title I requirements.  School administration will also inform parents regarding the curriculum used in the school, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.

The school community council has the ongoing responsibility of the construction and revision of this policy as well as the School-Parent Compacts.  The community Council meets monthly here in the school library.  Lake View Elementary will provide parents with timely and pertinent information regarding parent involvement, their child’s achievement and the school’s performance.

This will include, but is not limited to, the following:
Yearly Title I informational meeting
School performance records and proficiency level expectations distributed each school year through UPASS and summative test results
Written communication from teacher, including:
  • Student performance data available through Pinnacle
  • Mid-term progress reports
  • Regular report cards
  • Formal standardized test scores reports
  • Monitored progress on student reading achievement using the Dibels Assessment
Oral communication from teacher, including:
  1. Conference opportunities (at least two opportunities per year)
  2. Interaction at after-school functions
PTA meetings
Posting upcoming events on the school marquee
Timely responses to parent suggestions through telephone calls, notes and conferences

Ongoing various school activities at all grade levels will provide opportunities for parents to participate in school related activities throughout the year.

A School-Parent Compact has been created.  This compact will outline how parents, the school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved students’ academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build a partnership to help students achieve the state’s standards. The contract shall address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis. The compact will be distributed to all parents through the Lake View Elementary Handbook, and will be sent home with each student. Translations in other languages will be available as needed and to the extent possible.

Parents' Bill of Rights 07/13/2015

Dear Parent or Guardian:
     Our district is required to inform you of certain information that you, according to The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), have the right to know. Upon your request, our district is required to provide to you in a timely manner, the following information:

• Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
• Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
• Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
• What baccalaureate degree major the teacher has and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification.
       In addition to the information that parents may request, districts must provide to each individual parent

• Information on the achievement level of the parent’s child in each of the state academic assessments as required under this part; and
• Timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified.
All teachers at Lake View Elementary School are highly qualified.  All instructional aides employed at Lake View are also highly qualified. 

Thank you,
Mark Johnson, Principal
Lake View Elementary School

What Is Title I?
Title I is a federal education program under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Title I includes four major parts:
  • Part A: Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
  • Part B: Even Start Family Literacy
  • Part C: Migrant Education
  • Part D: Services for Neglected or Delinquent Children & Youth
What Are The Goals Of Title I?
  • Help students to achieve academic success in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics;
  • Increase student performance in high poverty schools through school-wide reform;
  • Build teacher capacity through quality professional development;
  • Enhance parents' abilities to help their children succeed through quality parental involvement activities.

Parents of children that attend a Title One School have the right to request the credentials for their child’s teacher.  If you would like this information please contact the principal at your child’s school

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