Land Trust Plan

This page contains the most recent Land Trust Plan, previous plans can be found on the community council tab.

School Plan 2018-2019 - Lake View EL
This Plan is currently pending initial review by a School LAND Trust Administrator.
You may unlock the School Plan to edit/update non-substantive changes without a vote.
Goal #1
Our goal is to improve reading achievement at our school. Specifically, to have 84% of our students at benchmark, or grade level, by the end of the school year.
Academic Areas
  • Reading
We will use the DIBELS score to determine if students are at benchmark. DIBELS will be administered three times during the school year. The first administration will be in September. The second administration will be in January.  The third and final DIBELS assessment will be in May.  The final assessment of the school year will be used to determine whether we reached our goal.
Action Plan Steps
A. Lake View will provide professional development for our teachers.  We have asked Jan Hasbrouk to come and present to our teachers on August 21st.

B. Lake View will continue to implement small group reading intervention for grades K-3. We have been conducting these groups since February 21st of 2014 and we have seen very positive results. For the 2018-2019 school year, we plan to implement these groups from the beginning of the school year.

Lake View will provide professional development for both aides and teachers on an ongoing basis. We will be able to pay aides to attend and teachers to pay for substitutes as needed.

To follow is a summary of how these reading groups will be formed and conducted:
1. Students will be grouped according to skill need, not based on guided reading levels. Skill needs will be based on a combination of DIBELS results and the results of the BEPA and BEPAST assessments.
2. Each student in grades 1-3 will be placed in a group which will meet daily for 45 minutes.
3. All students will be involved in a group during their grade level's assigned reading intervention time. There will be no independent work center time.
4. Aides and teachers will work together and all will lead a group of their own.
5. We will provide as many groups as our budget will allow.  We will make the groups as small as possible and therefore, improve their effectiveness.
6. Progress will be monitored and students will switch groups or progress within their group as is appropriate.
7. Assessments will be completed regularly by the adult in charge of each group so that we can monitor student progress. Each program we are using includes a built-in assessment.
8. All kindergarten students will receive a 30 minute small group instruction time.
9. The instructional day for all half-day kindergarten students will be extended by 30 minutes. This 30 minute time period is when the small group reading instruction will be provided to kindergarten students.
10. The kindergarten groups will not be considered intervention groups. Targeted instruction will be provided using a direct instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness program. ALL kindergarten students will be taken through this program. The completion of this program by ALL kindergarten students will establish a solid foundation for them and will hopefully prevent gaps in learning. Our goal is to move away from intervention on a large scale.

Here is our time line for implementation of the plan:
1. Kindergarten testing, Aug 27-Aug 30. The BEPAST test will be administered to all incoming kindergarten students.
2. 1-3 testing, Sept 4-14.  The BEPA will be administered to all 1-3 grade students.
3. Teachers, aides and the literacy coach will work together to determine appropriate placement of students into groups. (Ongoing)
3. Professional Development for aides, 1-Sep Training on intervention groups using BEPA and BEPAST data.  Training on other programs as determined by the literacy coach.  
4. All K-3 reading groups should begin on September 17th.
5. Grades 4-5 reading groups will begin at about this same time. They will start once students have been assessed using the BEPA.
Estimated Cost
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
We will pay the salaries of a portion of the aides necessary to implement this plan. We will also use title I money to pay the salaries of other aides who will also be involved in implementing this plan. Based on the estimated Land Trust funding for 2018-2019, we will pay for 9 instructional aides. 3 of those aides will work 163 days per year and 3.75 hours per day. Four of the aides will work 163 days per year and 2.5 hours per day. We will also pay for 2 aides to work 163 days per year for 2 hours per day.
Professional and Technical Services (300)
We will pay Jan Hasbrouk to provide a day long professional development session for our teachers. Jan charges $4500/day plus travel expenses. The total will be $5,500.
Textbooks (641)
Scholastic Periodicals. Scope $1,000 Story Works $1,000 Story Works Jr. $1,000

Summary of Estimated Expenditures
Estimated Cost
(entered by the school)
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)
Professional and Technical Services (300)
Textbooks (641)
Funding Estimates
Estimated Carry-over from the 2017-2018 Progress Report
Estimated Distribution in 2018-2019
Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2018-2019
Summary of Estimated Expenditures For 2018-2019
This number may not be a negative number     Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2019-2020
Increased Distribution
The 2018-2019 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?
Increased aide time for reading instruction and intervention.
  • Sticker and stamps that identify purchases made with School LAND Trust funds.
  • School newsletter
  • School website
Council Plan Approvals
Number Approved
Number Not Approved
Number Absent
Vote Date

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