Emergency and Evacuation Procedures

This is an emergency response management guide for parents in case of an emergency during school hours.

Lake View Elementary School is committed to providing a safe and secure school environment for all.  This emergency guide identifies methods and practices which will maximize the safety and security of our school.

What constitutes an emergency?
An emergency is an unexpected situation that must be dealt with immediately.
Emergencies range in scope and intensity from incidents that directly affect a single student to ones that impact the entire community.  Emergencies can and do happen within the school day. 
Emergency management is a continuous process in which all phases of the plan are being reviewed and revised.  The best emergency plans are never finished.  Our plan is being reviewed constantly. 

What does Lake View Elementary do to prepare your child for an emergency?

·         Students practice leaving the building in a safe and orderly manner.
·         Students practice leaving the building using alternate routes.
·         Students learn to leave the building with their teacher or to find their teacher, if they leave with a custodian, cook or aide, after they arrive outside.
·         Students learn to wait quietly while their class is checked in and to re-enter the building when the all clear signal is given.

·         This is a procedure used in a sudden, extreme emergency where there is not time to move to a safer location first.
·         Individuals make every effort to at least get their heads underneath tables or desks to avoid injury from falling objects.  Individuals should move as far away from windows as possible. 
·         Students stay put until a responsible adult gives them the all clear signal to get up and evacuate the building. 
·         Students and staff should drop to their knees and bend with their head on their knees and cover the back of their head with their hands if a table top or desk is not available to take cover in. 

·         Students practice being sheltered behind locked doors with constant adult supervision.
·         Students are sheltered as far away from glass as possible and reasonable.
·         Students not in classrooms are rapidly moved to a locked area.
·         Students practice remaining calm, quiet and out of sight.
·         Students may be removed from the school site when the incident has been stabilized and is safe.

(Students and staff participate in at least one drill per month.) 

Incidents affecting Box Elder School District:
We may be faced with an incident that requires the delay of start or cancellation of a school day for the entire district (weather, power failure, etc.).  Parents are encouraged to tune in to KSL News Radio (102.7 FM or 1160 AM) for up-to-date information. 
The BESD web page will also be updated with emergency information at www.besd.net.
No student will be sent home once they have arrived at school early unless a parent / guardian has been contacted.  If arrangements must be made for a child to be picked up a valid photo ID is required before a child will be released. 

What should the parent / guardian do to prepare for an emergency?

·         Have all home contact information current with the office
·         Make sure school personnel are aware of any special circumstances such as meds, conditions, etc. that your child may have
·         In an emergency requiring us to evacuate the campus we will assemble at the LDS stake center to the west of the school. 
·         Always have a valid photo ID available when you come to pick up a child.

Emergency Assembly Points
Evacuate Campus:
LDS Stake Center
851 S. 250 W.
Brigham City, UT  84302
Evacuate Building:
South Playground
Lake View Elementary School

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